Chapter 9

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Izuku's POV

I and Kirishima didn't realize the time, as we started speaking to each other! We had a lot of stuff to share! We were like literal twins! How cool! 

We were both startled when Ikio woke up and started crying. Kirishima panicked a little, but then I calmed both, Kirishima and Ikio, easily.

I didn't know what was the reason for Ikio's sudden uneasiness, so I checked his diaper... guess what the stinky baby did. Just kidding, he isn't stinky at all, he still had that fresh baby smell on him.

I decided to let Kirishima suffer too. "Are you up for changing diapers, Kirishima?" I asked with a smug look, he gulped and nodded.

I know how it feels to change a baby's diaper for the first time, I suffered it a few times before I got accustomed to it. It was nasty, honestly.

Kirishima was muttering something to himself. I heard the lines like 'I am manly, I can't step out of something like this! What will he think!'

I chuckle at his antics and helped him with the given work. The face he had when we removed the stained diaper, ha! It was hilarious!

I was wondering if I was like that The first time I changed a diaper too. His whole face was scrunched up in disgust, he plugged his nose due to the odor.

The whole process had Kirishima nearly throwing up. Just as we changed, I put Ikio back into his cradle, he was already wide awake.

Can't make him sleep before Katsuki comes, I guess. Oh, Lord! How ask I supposed to keep Katsuki calm. Maybe I could make dinner and then put Ikio to bed after he reaches?

I just have to make sure I am with Ikio in his room! I don't want another incident!

"Izuku? You are zoning out." I was snapped back by Kirishima's hands, waving in front of my face. I quickly apologize to him for my silliness.

He asked me if something was wrong. And I, of course, told him everything, he seemed to be someone we could trust. So right after I finished with worried eyes, Kirishima started speaking.

"Don't worry Izuku! I will help you with the dinner. I promised Denki I would be home for dinner, so I could help you and slip out before Katsuki arrives. You could tell him later that I visited!"

I thanked him multiple times, before making my way to the kitchen. We decided to make a simple spicy curry, with rice. Kirishima told me that Katsuki likes spicy food.

My intuition was right!

We both had a lot of fun, making dinner. Kirishima is really nice and quite handsome, but Katsuki is better! I like him, a lot. I felt my cheeks heat up, so I turned away from Kirishima.

Fortunately, he didn't seem to notice. It didn't take us long to make dinner, so it was soon time to say goodbye to Kirishima, I also held Ikio's hand a waved it to Kirishima.

He chucked and cooed at this gesture. Kirishima left with the last goodbye. I then made my way to Ikio's room with him and started helping him sleep.

I again heard the front door open. I quickly placed Ikio on his crib and made my way downstairs, with Ikio moving his eyes, trying to see where I was going.

Without a second thought, I made my way downstairs and helped Katsuki with his coat. He seemed startled, but then he let me help him.

He must have thought I would have already slept since I wasn't there in the living room or kitchen when he came home, instead, I came running down the stairs.

"I am upstairs with Ikio, you could take a shower and then we could have dinner! I wanted to tell you what happened today" I said in a cheering tone.

But then I realized what I said about Ikio. I was hoping he wouldn't be mad or something. I slowly looked up to see a small smile on his face.

"Yeah. Okay. We could talk over dinner." He said before making his way to his bedroom for a shower possibly. I then went back to Ikio's room.

It did take me some time to put him to sleep. But after looking at his sleepy, calm face, I felt like everything was worth it. I went back to the kitchen to find Katsuki waiting for me.

I quickly apologized for my delay and served dinner for both of us. We sat together and started feasting on the food. "You wanted to say something?" Katsuki reminded me.

"Ah! Yes. Today a friend of yours came by. Eijiro Kirishima. He said he wanted to see me since your mother said something about me. We had a lot of fun! He was very polite and gentle. We relate in a lot of ways... "

I started ranting to him about my day and Kirishima. He quietly listened to me, sometimes adding some comments or some sassy remarks.

The dinner went by with a lot of laughs and funny comments. Katsuki seemed to have warmed up to me. That's great when we think about it!

I never thought Katsuki was someone who is this fun to hang out with! He made a lot of jokes and funny remarks, I didn't expect him to be this extrovert!

I am glad he is happy of some sort! It just felt like Eri, the kid I babysat before. After her adoption, she still had depression, social anxiety-anxiety in general, actually.

Her parents say that I helped her of some sort. I am happy that I did! She is quite talkative now! She had become an outgoing person now!

Bedtime soon came rolling on. It was good to talk to him. I didn't have anyone to talk to. Sure my mother was there. But she wasn't my age and I can't just talk about a teenage life to her.

"Goodnight Katsuki! Have a nice sleep! Sweet dreams!" He chuckled at my cheery tone and the way I was waving from my room door.

"Goodnight Izuku, sweet dreams." He said trying to imitate me by telling it in a high-pitched voice and waving back, it was hilarious, especially when he had his eyes blown comically wide, trying to imitate my excitement.

So I was glad I had someone like Katsuki. I hope he is glad about me too.

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