Chapter 60

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"I can't believe we're here again" Felix squeezed Changbins hand, both of them looking at the lake infront of them.

"Me neither"
"I kind of don't know how I'm supposed to feel at the moment"

Felix was nervous for himself and for Changbin, he didn't know what exactly to do or how to feel either, he just held the olders hand as tightly as possible when they both started walking again, going towards the house.

"Are you sure you want to go there?"
"We can just turn back Binnie"

"I'm okay Felix" Changbin answered, pulling the key to the house out of his pocket as they stepped up the stairs to the front porch.

"Remember when I left you for a month after destroying my room in our old house?"

Felix remembered and just hummed.

"You drove here all by yourself, just to see me, because you were worried about me"
"I met you by the lake and pretended I didn't know you. I sent you back and you looked so devastated"
"But you still had hope and you came back, you came back for me"

The younger took Changbins free hand, the one that didn't hold the keys, and intertwined their fingers again, his other arm making it's way around the olders neck.

"It's because I loved you so much"
"And still do"
"And always will"

Changbin wrapped one arm around the youngers waist, pulling him close, pressing their bodies together. He squeezed Felix' hand, placing his forehead on the others.

"You always will?"

Felix felt his cheeks heat up, a blush creeping up his face. He loved being close to Changbin like this, being held by the older, feeling save and at home.

He simply nodded, lost in a trance of Changbins eyes, looking deep into his own with so much affection and admiration.

"You love me?"

Felix nodded again, his face bright red.

"You're adorable when you blush for me"

Felix now smiled and gathered his confidence to reply.
"Only for you"

"Oh really?" Changbin let go of the youngers hand, also wrapping it around his waist, pulling him closer.

Felix whined and let his head slip down to the side, resting his forehead on Changbins shoulder. He felt himself get pressed against Changbins body, wrapping his other arm around the olders neck as well.


"Yes baby?"

"You know I'm all yours"


"Mhm, every part of me"
"All yours" Felix pulled a little away to look at the older as he said that, a smile on his face.

Changbin smiled back and tried pulling Felix closer, burying his head into the youngers neck, almost desperate to be closer to him.

"Is everything okay Binnie?" Felix asked, knowing Changbin was probably nervous to go back into the house.

"I hate myself for not saying this often, but you're my whole world Felix. You're my everything. Nothing matters to me as long as you're by my side and feeling happy. I won't ever let you go Feli–"

"Shut up"
"Just shut up already Changbin" Felix' voice sounded shaky and not very stable.

Changbin instantly pulled away to look at Felix, seeing silent tears stream down his freckled face.


"No Changbin, leave it!"
"I can't stand seeing you hurt and uneasy. You're nervous, I know it"

"Baby boy" Changbin reached his hand to Felix' face, wiping the tears away. He guided the boy to the wall and gently let him lean his back onto it.

He took Felix' hand and placed them on his shoulders, moving to rest his own hands on the youngers waist.

Changbin then slowly leaned in, closing his eyes, capturing the others lips into a soft kiss, feeling him kiss back immediately. He held it for a few seconds, then pulled away, looking into Felix' eyes.

The boy moved one hand from Changbins shoulder to his face, caressing his cheek as the older spoke up.

"Feel better?"

Felix hummed and nodded, drawing a smile onto Changbins face.

"See, we're both emotionally not 100% ready, but we also both know that this is the right time. We just have to go in there, walk around a bit and then we'll be finished, do you think you could manage to do that for me?"

"I'm more concerned about you than about myself. I want you to be okay, this is the place you almost.."

"...almost died in, I know baby"
"And it's the time you saw me at my worst state"
"However, I have you by my side and you make me feel so much more stronger"
"Your love is like a shield to my heart and your presence alone already makes me feel better"
"So don't worry about me okay? We're in this together"

Felix smiled at the olders words and pulled him into a tight hug.
"We will be okay"

The two boys parted again and after their long conversation, now ready to walk inside.

Changbin inserted the key into the lock, turning it and opening the door. They both took a look inside, not moving.

Felix sighed and nudged Changbins arm a bit, letting out a small, nervous yet sarcastic chuckle.

"Come on now, it's just a house right? It's not going to eat us up" he said with a little smile, deep down still nervous.

Changbin smiled back to the best of his abilities, telling himself that the house seriously won't eat him up.

The two started walking inside, closing the door behind them. Felix seeing the living room after a while, remembering the day he finally found Changbin.

"This sport here.." He spoke up as they were still standing by the door, none of them taking further steps inside "this spot is where I finally got to hug you after that one month"

Changbin gave off a saddened expression when looking at Felix.

"I'm sorry.." He whispered.

"Don't be" the younger smiled, his contagious smile instantly affecting Changbin, drawing a smile onto his face as well.

Felix grasped his boyfriends wrist and started walking, pulling the older behind him.

There was this one place they both weren't necessarily excited to go to. The room that revealed Changbins hidden, dark secret. The place of pain and nightmares, suffer and pressure.

The room of life and death, unbearable and hurtful events.

A place that was once, on one certain day, the day that brought many things to light, filled with a pool of red blood.

The bathroom.

And Felix was going straight to that one room of misery.


Sorry for the late update, I didn't get the time to finish this chapter yesterday!!

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