The Rise and Fall of Sue Sylvester

Comenzar desde el principio

"The safest option would be, relaxing at home until your water breaks, and you have to drive to the hospital." Kitty pointed out.

"Kitty. If my mom did a piano recital, and her water broke onstage, yet she finished it. That only goes to show that I can teach a day of school, and not give a shit about my own water breaking." Lexi snapped.

"Sorry, okay." Kitty sighed, as she gently supported the older woman as they made their way down the hallway and out to the field.

Once they got onto the field, Lexi let out another breath. "Okay, girls, gather in your pyramid, Kitty, on the top." She instructed, as the Cheerios boosted the smaller girl to the very top of the formation. "Great! From the top." She said, as she watched them rehearse their choreography, while rubbing her stomach, and continuing to breathe.

" She said, as she watched them rehearse their choreography, while rubbing her stomach, and continuing to breathe

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

Later that day, everyone had been called for an emergency glee club meeting. Dalton Academy had burnt to the ground, and now, the solution to the problem was for Blaine and the Warblers to join New Directions.

Lexi stood beside Blaine, unable to offer him any comfort due to needing to hold or back or rub her stomach. However, she could tell that he was struggling with a roller coaster of emotions. She could see that a fair majority of the New Directions had no problem with the new members, except for Jane who had been rejected from the Warblers a few months earlier.

"I've gathered you all here today because Blaine, Kurt and I have been talking, and although just a moment ago, we could only see the Warblers as our competition, now it's time to see them as a friend and an ally." Mr. Schue began the meeting, nodding at the Warblers who stood gathered around the piano. "We have made the decision to make some lemonade with these lemons, and join together as a show choir super group. This is an opportunity for all of us, we need them just as much as they need us." He finished, as some quiet chatter echoed through the choir room.

"Where's Rachel?" Kitty spoke up. "Shouldn't she be here for this?"

"She's in New York on some business, but she'll be back soon, and she's totally on board with the plan." Mr. Schue assured the group.

"Well okay." Kitty nodded, sending the Warblers a welcoming smile. At that Lexi smiled softly, seeing how visible it was that the young girl was gradually becoming the leader of the group. If she was being honest, she had the personality, the passion, and the leadership skills, plus she was a problem solver. She was perfect for the job.

Following Kitty's lead, the rest of the New Directions stood up, and shook hands, sending the Warblers welcoming smiles, as multiple introductions were made.

"Thank you so much, Mr. Schue, for your generosity." Blaine spoke up, grateful for the opportunity. "It's in times like these that we can find comfort in the kindness of our friends."

"It's gonna be a challenge for all of us to move forward, but I know we can do this. And I think it's so amazing that the Warblers passion for show choir is stronger than ever. Because we're really gonna need that strength and commitment, not only to win Sectionals, but to take it all the way to Nationals this year!"

More Then the Music (Glee Sam Evans Fan Fiction) Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora