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5x12 ~ 100 ~
Lexi squealed, as she ran to meet Quinn, Santana and Brittany outside of McKinley. She hadn't seen them for a while, so this was special.

"You made it!" She smiled, as she pulled Santana in for a hug, before she hugged Quinn, and Brittany. All of them giggling and full of smiles.

"We wouldn't miss it." Santana chuckled.

"It's Glee Club, it's home." Quinn added. "Plus, you're graduating, so we wanted to be here to support you since your mom isn't able to be here in person. But she is here no matter what."

"I needed a break from M.I.T." Brittany admitted, as the three girls shook their heads fondly at the girl. "Math makes my head hurt."

"Well, we're going to be late..." Lexi said, looking at her phone. "I believe it's time we took a stroll down the halls."

"Shall we?" Quinn asked, winking, as she offered Lexi her arm.

"We shall." Lexi grineed, as she linked her arm with Quinn's, while Santana and Brittany held their pinkies together. The four girls strolled down the hallway ignoring the looks they received. It felt like old times.

Once they reached the choir room, they felt tension in the air as they saw two groups. One group was listening to Rachel talk about her Broadway show, while the other group was listening to Mercedes discussing her upcoming album. There was definitely a diva-off arising.

"The queens are in the house!" Artie cheered, as everyone turned to laugh, and cheer for the four girls who smiled.

Quinn pulled on Lexi's arm gently. "Why don't we go sit?" She suggested, as Lexi nodded. The two of them settled in their usual row. Lexi in between both Quinn and Sam.

Lexi blushed when Sam sent her a smirk. She shook her head, and leaned against his shoulder, allowing him to pull her closer to him.

"Wanky." Santana commented, as Lexi waved her off.

Before the tension could strengthen, or anyone could say anything, Mr. Schue walked into the choir room. Everyone began to take their seats, while Rachel and Mercedes sent each other a death glare, before they made a run to the middle chair.

"Greet each other." Kurt said through gritted teeth, causing Lexi to chuckle.

"Hello, Rachel." Mercedes feigned a friendly smile, while she fixed her jacket. "I am so happy to hear about all of your success."

"Oh, thank you so much, Mercedes." Rachel responded in the same fake tone. "And you are looking well."

"Thank you. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'll make my way to the back of the bus."

While Mercedes moved to the second row to sit by Kurt, Mr. Schue walked to the board and wrote 100 across it.

"100 lessons." He announced, as the group cheered, although this time, their cheers weren't as genuine, they all had mixed feelings about Glee club ending.

"Hey, can I get Finn's plaque when we clear this place out?" Puck asked.

"No." Mr. Schue shook his head. "The plaque stays here. Lillian and Finn belong here aqt McKinley. It means so much to me that so many of you came back on such short notice to celebrate the past few years. To sit in this room one last time and sing. Your assignment is to sing one of the songs we sang in here, but reinvented in some way. Way back in the old days when I started Glee Club, I would give an assignment, and then I would...I would give a little demonstration of what I was looking for."

The group cheered again.

"See, you all cheer now, but just wait till he starts rapping." Santana commented, as they laughed.

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