Extra: missed bdays + suprises

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A/N: this extra chapter is replacing 2009. Plus, there's a pretty amazing surprise near the end of this chapter;)
EXTRA: missed bdays + surprises
Lexi sat in the backyard, scrolling on her phone while she held Aris in her arms. He was now two and a half months old, and both Sam and Lexi were falling more and more in love with him as the days passed.

"So, I was up with the little guy from two to four in the morning." Sam spoke up as he walked into the backyard. "He wouldn't sleep."

"I was up with him from four thirty to six." Lexi replied, looking up from her phone. "So, it's safe to say we both got little sleep."

"And I have work later this afternoon." Sam sighed.

"Mhm." Lexi muttered, frowning when she scrolled through her social media. "Why is everyone posting happy birthday messages all over your social media? Your birthday isn't until next week." She pointed out, oblivious to the fact that they'd been busy with Aris, that they'd forgotten.

"Well..." Sam trailed off, sending her "sorry" look.

"Wait...no..." Lexi shook her head, internally scolding herself. "I didn't miss...how is it already next week?"

"I missed it too, until our friends, and my parents called this morning." Sam admitted. "Our life is kind of insane these days, Lex."

"Well, why didn't you tell me when your parents and our friends called?" Lexi queried.

"I could've had something planned." She added.

"I didn't want you to feel bad, and go onto scold yourself for it." Sam responded.

"Well, now I feel bad!" Lexi exclaimed, loudly.

"Look, I'm not even any bit upset." Sam shrugged. "I lived another year without any of Brittany's crazy predictions becoming reality, I had a son with the woman I am crazy about. It's fine, I promise." He said, as he went back into the house.

"Holy crap." Lexi muttered, when the realization struck her. "That means my birthday is tomorrow." She thought. What was important was that she did something for Sam today that made him feel loved and celebrated, even if he was fine.

What Lexi wasn't aware of, was that Sam had something planned for late that evening. Something that they were both anticipating, and something that Sam had been planning for the past few weeks. Well, past few years.. The birthday wasn't totally ruined, because this gift would be the greatest one yet.
Lexi smiled, as she walked into the dining room where Sam stood folding laundry. Even though she didn't have much planned for his birthday, she'd thought she'd at least try to do a few little things.

"Aris is successfully down for his mid afternoon nap." She announced, as Sam looked up from the pile of laundry.

"Wait, really? How'd you manage to swing that?" He asked.

"I sat for an hour, rocking him back and forth, I sang him multiple songs, and let him watch a show, until he finally fell asleep. I told him it was one of the things you wanted for your birthday...even if he's too young to understand.." Lexi explained, letting out a small sigh. "It was the best I could do, since I totally forgot your birthday was today, and had barely any time to plan for it....Surprise!" She exclaimed, sheepishly.

"Lexi, you did not have to do that." Sam shook his head with a small smile.

"Sam, do you realize the accomplishment that's been made today?" Lexi asked, while she walked around the table to stand in front of him. "When was the last time Aris didn't need something that involved one of us, or the both of us? When was the last time he complied to having a thoroughly restful nap? The baby's finally asleep." She finished, slightly tugging at the ties of her robe.

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