Opening Night

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The long awaited week of Rachel's opening night on Broadway had arrived, and she was panicking. Not because she was nervous, but because she was reading every negative review regarding her show. Kurt had had enough, and firmly placed her on technology lockdown, which prevented her from any accessible news. Deciding that he could control this situation alone, he called the group to come assist, and cheer her up, and shower her with love and encouragement.

"Hello big fat Broadway star! These are for you." Tina smiled, handing Rachel a bouquet of flowers.

When Rachel didn't vocally respond, the girl frowned. "Oh no, do you have laryngitis again?"

"Oh, no, she's just resting her voice." Kurt assured.

"Oh thank god! This would not be a good time for your tonsils to flare up again! Remember that? First year of Glee Club?" Tina asked, unaware of the impact of her words. Everyone sent her warning looks.

"Tina..." Lexi said firmly, shaking her head.

"Hey, where is everyone? Rachel's opening night on Broadway is a big deal! And where's Artie? I was hoping to get to see him." Tina continued with her usual happy chatter.

"Oh, his short film Bags in the Wind got accepted into the Ft. Lauderdale International Short Film Festival." Sam answered, rather excited for his friend's accomplishment.

"Oh that's too bad, I mean, what about Quinn, and Puc, and Santana? Are they not being supportive?" Tina asked.

"Tina...Tina...Tina..." Lexi spoke up, as the girl looked at her. "Why don't you catch us up on your experience so far at Brown University?" She asked, changing the discussion topic.

"I love everything about it!" Tina gushed. "Except my dorm room. My roommate, she's nice, but she's from Pakistan, and she doesn't speak much English, and she's always watching thr Al Jezzara channel. And no, I don't have a boyfriend, I was dating this really nice guy, but he turned out to be-"

"Gay." Sam and Blaine chorused simultaneously.

"Gay." Lexi and Mercedes nodded.

"Proud homeosexual." Kurt added.

"No." Tina shook her head, before letting out a sigh. "Yes. Anyway, Rachel, I read this amazing story about you on BroadwayWorld.Com and they're predicting Funny Girl to be a big hit. And so is everyone else except a few moronic bloggers...but I mean, who are they to call you pitchy? And do not get me started on those anonymous comment trolls. I mean...You're not that short..."

"Shut up!" Lexi and Sam said in unison, preventing Tina from continuing.

"It's fine. It's fine." Rachel assured them. "Frankly, the only opinions I care about are you guys and you love me, so if I ever need any validation, I just turn to my buffet of people right in front of me. So if you don't mind, I'm going to go and take a nap."

"Tina, all right, Tina!" Mercedes called. "Get your bags, you're coming to my place!" She said, walking up to get the girl, and her stuff.

"But I thought I was staying here?" Tina frowned. "What if Rachel needs my love and validation from the buffet?"

"We'll call you, okay?" Lexi said, watching as Mercedes shoved Tina out the door.


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"Guys. It's bad. Rachel has been cybercutting all night." Kurt explained to the group the next day. "She read, like, every negative comment ever written about her in the span of an hour."


"Yeah. Yeah, she's taken to her bed. She says she's too psyched to go on tonight, and her confidence is shot. We have to fill her with love and validation so she gets it back. Otherwise, everything she's ever worked for her entire life is gonna be ruined." Kurt continued. The group made a plan to attempt to keep the girl motivated and one by one, they went into her room to try to encourage and comfort her.

"Well, my guitar strings are ruined." Sam muttered, as he held up his guitar to Lexi.

"We can buy new replacement strings." She assured him, as he sat back down on the couch.

"I've never seen her like this." Kurt sighed, after a fair majority of them had tried to help Rachel out.

"I know, she's usually pushing people away to get on the stage." Blaine agreed.

"It's not fair that anyone can send a hateful tweet to anyone to have access to artists." Sam added, as he played with Lexi's hair, while she lay across his lap.

"You know, I don't think it's the criticism that's got to her, I think it's the volume of it." Mercedes spoke up, after a few moments.

"I can't believe my note didn't work." Tina shook her head in disbelief.

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