Child Star

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6x09 ~ CHILD STAR ~
Lexi was nearing the finish line, more and more everyday in her pregnancy. She had less than a month until her due date, and honestly, she was giving no crap. She tried to work still, knowing that she wouldn't be able to return to teaching class, or coaching for a few months. She would be at home with their baby boy, while Sam would be allowed to go back to work sooner than Lexi was permitted to.

"I'm telling you, I keep believing that my body's reached maximum capacity, but then it just keeps on growing." Lexi exclaimed, as her and Sam walked through the entrance of the school. "I'm literally a version of a human tissue expander." She muttered.

"No." Sam shook his head, refusing to believe that statement. "You're..."

"If you say glowingly gorgeous, we are done." Lexi interrupted, as he sighed.

"Any updates on a substitute Cheerios coach?" Sam asked, as she shrugged.

"No. I've been interviewing coach after coach...but I can't find any. I cleared out my schedule at school today so I could interview a possible candidate or two." Lexi answered. "I just need one around while I'm on mat leave for three months." She added, as she walked ahead of him.

Lexi stopped walking when she felt some pain in her stomach. "Ow..." She said, louder than intended, as Sam looked down at her.

"What happened? You okay?" Sam asked, slightly panicking. "Do we need to get the nurse, or take you to the hospital?"

"No. I'm fine. It was a little kick that caused some pain, but it died down. That's all." Lexi smiled, reassuringly.


"We still have a few weeks left." Lexi assured him. "You can't have little panic attacks every time the baby kicks."

"Can't make any promises." Sam chuckled, as Lexi shook her head, amused, and pressed a kiss to his cheek, before walking towards the auditorium.
"How are you doing?" Kitty asked, as she stopped where he stood. Sam sighed.

"I just realized that the due date is getting closer." Sam answered. "I'm starting to wrap my head around the devastating truth that my life is over."

"Well, you and Lex are doing quite well." Kitty shrugged. "The baby is going to be just fine, Sam. Are you feeling okay?"

"Name every possible worry, I've had it." Sam answered. "Will I get Lexi to the hospital on time? Will I not be able to get there if she isn't with me when she goes into labour? Will the baby be scared of me?"

"I don't think the baby's going to be freaked out by you." Kitty chuckled. "Your questions are valid, and I can assure you that you'll be there. You'll be there when she has the baby, and you'll get her there on time."

"Thanks. I think that we're both just scared about being parents, you know? Plus, we're both stressed with everything going on." Sam said after a few moments.

"Well, being parents for the first time is going to be scary. I don't have to have experience to know that. But I do know that your son is going to have the best parents, and he'll be welcomed into the safest place...and you're not going to be able to sleep after he's least for a while." Kitty commented, as both of them chuckled.

"Thanks." Sam nodded, checking his phone. "I have to get the field, but I appreciate your encouragement, and if you could share that encouragement with my girlfriend, that would be appreciated."

"You got it." Kitty sent him a thumbs up, before heading to the auditorium.


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