City of Angels

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The week that the New Directions had been waiting for had finally arrived. It was nationals week, and for a few of the members, it was their final competition. Because of that, they made a decision to dedicate it to Finn.

It was both Lexi and Sam's idea to dedicate their nationals performance to Finn. Glee Club would never have been successful if the older boy hadn't pushed everyone to reach past their limits, while still making sure that they had fun while doing it.

Lexi had told Mr. Schue about her and Sam's idea, and he loved it, and proceeded to inform Burt and Carol about the idea, and they decided to volunteer, and come to watch the competition in Los Angeles.

Mr. Schue called Sam into his office that day, which worried the boy. Sam didn't know if he was in trouble? Or if they were not able to perform at nationals. The ideas that ran through his head were endless.

"Hey, you wanted to see me?" Sam asked, entering his teacher's office.

Mr. Schue looked up from his desk with a nod. "Yeah. Have a seat."

Sam obeyed his teacher's orders, and took a seat in front of him. "Um, I just want to let you know that even though I've kind of checked out of school since I'm not going to college, I'm totally committed to Glee Club, you know?" He asked, continuing with his nervous ramble before Mr. Schue could reply. "I've had Artie and Blaine drilling me, like nonstop on the choreography, and Lexi assisted me in recruiting Cheerios to get us to 12..." At that, his teacher cut him off.

"You don't need to prove yourself, Sam." He said, as Sam decided to be quiet and listen to him. "Fin transformed this club when he joined up. He wasn't just a male lead, he wawa the captain of the football team. He was the coolest kid in school. I mean, a real dude, you know? He was our secret weapon at those competitions. Other schools might have had their versions of a Rachel or a Kurt, but no one had Finn."

"Yeah, he...he made it pretty cool." Sam agreed, as memories of Finn in the Glee Club played through his head.

"When he recruited you, he wasn't just looking for another voice in here. He was looking for someone to take his place after he graduated. Someone to help lead all of those wonderful misfits." Mr. Schue continued, as Sam caught onto where the conversation was going. He knew that his teacher wanted him to be the new leader. As honored and touched he was, He knew he could never be the leader that Finn was.

"I'm not Finn, Mr. Schue." Sam answered quickly, causing his teacher to frown. "Finn was, like, a real leader, you know? Before he left, he talked to Lex and I, asking us to take great care of the Glee Club for him, seeing we're like the parents of the group....but what I'm trying to say is that I-I'm not a leader."

"Yes, you are." Mr. Schue assured the boy. "And I'm gonna need you to be that guy when we get to L.A. The kids want you to be that guy. They're all waiting for you to see yourself the way they see you. The new kids love you, and so do the older ones, especially Lexi. I'm sure that everything is gonna be fine once we get there. But if the time comes, and you need to step up, I'm gonna be counting on you to get it done."

Before him or Sam could continue their conversation, Lexi entered, knocking on the door. "They're here." She said, as they stood up, and followed her towards the choir room where the rest of the group, including Burt and Carol were waiting.

"You okay, Sam?" Lexi asked her boyfriend, when she saw a frown on his face.

"Yeah, I'm great. Everything will be fine." Sam assured her, kissing her head, before keeping her in his arms.

"Hey, guys." Carol smiled at the group.

"Good morning." Burt added, sending a nod towards them.

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