The Rocky Horror Glee Show

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Over the next few weeks, Lexi felt alone. She was well aware that Sam and Quinn's date at Breadstix had been more than successful. Sure, she and Quinn still studied, but then Sam would tag along, and she'd have to sit through hours of them flirting and being all 'adorable'. It was too much for her to handle. She couldn't hang out with both of them at once, so she separately hung out with them. She would hang out with Quinn for studying, and she'd help Sam with his homework everyday for an hour after school. However, Sam and Quinn were rarely apart from one another, and that made it hard for Lexi. She couldn't do anything about it, but let it be. (no song pun intended).

Kurt and Lexi sat in the choir room before Glee one day, writing in their notebooks, and chatting. "Are you going out for Halloween, Lex?" He asked, trying to lift her mood.

"Probably not...I'll be home studying for tests, or watching The Notebook, or Dirty Dancing. Both make me sob in my current state...feel free to join the pity party." Lexi replied sarcastically, although Kurt could see she was in mentally in pain.

"I'm going as a peanut allergy." Brittany piped up, as Kurt and Lexi chuckled.

"Genius, Britt, pure genius." Lexi nodded.

"That's what I said." Santana smiled.

They turned their attention to Mr. Schue who had just walked into the choir room. "Great news guys! I've had a little inspiration. This weeks' musical lesson isn't really a lesson. It's a musical." He said, waving the paper in his hand.

"Please be Evita. Please be Evita. Please be Evita." Rachel whispered.

"Rocky Horror!" Mr. Schue announced.

"I've never seen it." Finn said, confused.

"Mr. Schue?" Rachel raised her hand.


"While I admire your choice of a groundbreaking 70s musical, aren't you worried that the adult themes might be a point of controversy?" Rachel asked.

"What Rachel is saying is that it might not be the most appropriate musical choice, especially after the chaotically abrupt response from Britney week." Lexi reiterated.

"Seriously." Kurt nodded in agreement. "A school in Texas couldn't even do Rent. It caused an outrage and they had to cancel the show."

"Isn't that the whole point of the arts?" Mr. Schue asked, still determined to get them on his side. "Pushing boundaries? Doing things people say you can't do for the sake of self-expression?"

"I'm just afraid it'll be a bit much...we could've gone with a little more of a traditional musical Mamma Mia!" Lexi shrugged.

"Oh yeah..." Santana smirked in agreement, knowing how much Lexi wanted to play Sophie. She recalled the many Mamma Mia! movie nights and sing alongs her and Lexi had had in the past.

"Look, I figured it all out." Mr. Schue continued. "I cut out some of the more risque sections, and I'm sending home permission slips to all your parents to make sure they're okay with it. And we're going to charge admission and use the proceeds to help pay for transportation to Nationals in New York!"

Lexi cheered, along with the rest of the group as their teacher distributed the permission slips amongst the group.

"Okay, let's talk about casting." Mr. Schue said, as he walked to retrieve his notes at the piano.

"Oh! Finn and I will play Brad and Janet!" Rachel spoke up, as the teacher nodded.

At that, Lexi scoffed. "Wow...what a shocker." She muttered.

"And I'll be playing the guy in the wheelchair, right?" Artie asked, as Mr. Schue nodded in response.

"That's what I was thinking." He said, turning to Kurt. "And I thought Kurt could play the role of Frakenfurter."

"No." Kurt was quick to disapprove. "There is no way I'm playing a transvestite in high heels and fishnets and wearing lipstick!"

"Why, 'cause that look was last season?" Santana asked with a smirk, as Kurt sent her a pointed look.

"I'll do it!" Mike volunteered, surprising everyone.

"Really? It's the male lead." Tina replied.

"I know, but I'm feeling a little more confident about my singing voice after our duets project." Mike retorted.

"Great!" Mr. Schue smiled. "I have no problem with that! Now, we're a little short on female roles. So we're going to have to double up on Columbia's, and Magenta's."

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