Tina in the Sky with Diamonds

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Lexi sat on top of the piano, as Sam laid down across it, while Blaine sat playing some random notes on it

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Lexi sat on top of the piano, as Sam laid down across it, while Blaine sat playing some random notes on it. The week of prom had arrived, and for many of them, it was their final prom they'd attend. Another thing many people were fixated on was, of course the prom king and queen nominations, although to Lexi, it didn't matter so much.

"So how does it work with gay marraige?" Sam asked, as he held Lexi's hand in his, gently playing with her fingers. "You take his last name or does he take yours, or...?"

""Right now, I'm honestly just excited that Kurt said yes. Anyways, are you guys looking forward to prom? I fell asleep last night while Tina was texting me about her prom dress."

'That's really nice what you did for her by the way." Lexi spoke up, as both boys nodded.

"I guess I'm looking forward to it." Sam shrugged, answering his friend's earlier question. "I don't know, I just...you know, it's my senior prom so I kind of wish I was going with somebody I really care about."

"I'm sitting right here." Lexi said through gritted teeth, crossing her arms, as a slight pout formed across her face.

Realizing what he'd said, Sam's immediately sat up. "No, that is not what I meant...I'm so sorry. I do care about you, Lex. More than anything." He assured her, as she let out a sigh of relief.

"Good." Lexi sent him one of her smiles, as he leaned in, capturing her lips in his. After they pulled away, she pulled him back. "Wait, do that again." She said, as he leaned in again, pressing his lips to hers.

Blaine coughed awkwardly, alerting them he was still there. "Guys..."

"Sorry, we know you miss Kurt." Lexi sighed, once her and Sam had pulled away.

"Come on, guys, we're back with the Beatles." Mr. Schue announced, walking into the room. At that, everyone cheered. "We're leaving the mop-tops behind and moving into their experimental years. Now, the rubber soul album marked a turning point for the group, where they literally and figuratively let their hair down. Now, the Beatles were the biggest musical act in the world. They could have remained in their comfort zones, but instead, they risked everything to explore new musical worlds. They had something important to say, and they weren't going to let something as silly as the fear of failure get into their way."

He was interrupted when Sue began to make announcements over the speaker. "Good afternoon, McKinley high, this year, the proms are being fused into one giant brundleprom."

"What's a Brundleprom? I don't get that reference." Ryder mumbled confused.

"Does that mean the juniors and seniors are sharing a prom?" Lexi asked, as Sam shrugged.

""And now for the moment that will crush 99% of your misguided views about your own popularity. Here are your nominees for Prom King and Queen. First, here are your nominees for Prom King: Blaine Anderson, Mohamed Omar, Artie Abrams, Sam Evans."

At that, Lexi smiled at Sam, allowing him to bring her into his arms. If he won, he knew he'd only want to dance with her, no one else mattered.

"And now onto the Queen. Lexi Torres, Aimee Ryan, Jordan Stern. And, inexplicably, Tina Cohen-Chang."

Hearing her name, Tina shouted in excitement. "Yes! Yes!" She jumped up and down. "Yes! Yes! Oh, my God, yes!"

"Tina. Wow!" Ryder exclaimed, impressed. "Even though I'm not nominated it's such an honor to be going to prom with a potential." He smiled.

"Oh...Sorry, Ryder." Tina apologized. "It was so nice of you to offer to go with me, but I'm going to have to decline your invitation."

"But you already accepted." He pointed out.

"Yeah, Tina, this is very uncool." Blaine agreed.

"Losing is uncool." Tina replied, receiving frowns and looks from her friends. "I need to maximize my odds of taking the crown, so I think I'm going with a group of single gals to corner the rejected wallflower vote. And I'm going for it. This is my chance to be bigger than Jesus..." She paused, before turning to the group again. "So can I count on all your votes?"

The group exchanged looks, unsure of how to react. That was until Marley spoke up.

"Uh...what about Lexi? I believe we could equally split votes among you girls, not just one of you." She said, as Tina scoffed.

"Lexi deserves votes just as much as you, Tina." Sam agreed, as Lexi avoided any eye contact. She knew Tina was acting out again. It reminded her of Quinn whenever she was nominated for prom. Tina had the same antics, and behavior.

"Whatever." Tina rolled her eyes. "She doesn't matter. Don't vote for her, vote for me. I matter...and I need to be prom queen, and valedictorian, which I'm not guaranteed because the bitch right there...she's going to steal it from me."

Lexi knew Tina had a lower GPA than her. Grades didn't matter though, because she was already named valedictorian. Sue had told her the previous day.

"Awkward." Jake coughed quietly. Him, and the rest of the group were feeling rather terrible for Lexi.

"I'm not stealing anything from you." Lexi spoke up, crossing her arms, as she stood up, walking to the middle of the room.

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