All Or Nothing

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"All right, guys. It's finally here. Regionals." Mr. Schue announces as the New Directions clapped and cheered. "I just found out, because of safety concerns related to late-season tornados, Indianapolis has declined to host the competition. So! As defending champions, we're having regionals here, in our auditorium.

"Did you hear that?" Artie asked, causing the group to cheer again. "Home court advantage, yo!"

"Now, because of a sexting scandal at Our Lady of Perpetual Loneliness, their glee club, the Nun-touchables, has been excommunicated by the new pope." Mr. Schue continued, as Lexi raised her eyebrow a bit in confusion. "They've been replaced by the world-famous boys of Ziegler Prep, the Waffle-toots. The Hoosierdaddies are still the odds-on favorite. I mean, their lead vocalist, Frida Romero,
is a tiny juggernaut of talent. We are in for the fight of our lives. So... let's get real."

Mr. Schue pulled a chair in front of the group, and sat down, as the noise amongst the group died down.

"There comes a moment in every performer's life that defines him or her, sometimes for the rest of their career. This is our moment. We've struggled, we've endured, and now we must triumph. And speaking of that, I want us all to just take a moment to send some positive energy to one of our very own. She has her final callback for Funny Girl today. Rachel Berry. We're ready for you. So, let's all give a big round of applause to Rachel, wherever she is."

Lexi clapped along with the rest of the group, a tiny smile gracing her face. Although, she found Rachel Berry insufferable, and egotistical, she would admit that the older girl was quite talented. Not everyone could accomplish their goals and dreams in their career in the first year. She was proof that while it was rare, it was possible.

Blaine had told Sam and Lexi that he was planning on proposing to Kurt in the coming weeks

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Blaine had told Sam and Lexi that he was planning on proposing to Kurt in the coming weeks. The couple was rather confused, because part of them knew that Kurt and Blaine weren't together, and the other part of them wanted to accept the idea, and support their friend. They were torn, because there were many pros and cons to a high school proposal, after what happened between Finn and Rachel, they didn't want to see Blaine or Kurt get hurt.

"You can only do this once, so it-it has to be perfect." Blaine explained to them, as they stood by his locker. "It has to be, you know, special."

"Are you actually talking about a marriage proposal?" Sam asked, as he kept his arm around Lexi. Both of them were slightly shocked that their friend had decided to execute his plan."Dude, we're in high school. You're not ready to get married, and your mom and I are not letting you." 

"He's right, Blaine." Lexi agreed. "The reason we don't believe it's a reasonable idea is because you're young, and just graduating high school. I mean, look what happened to Finn and Rachel. They ended their relationship..." She asked, her friend sighed.

"Well, I'm not asking for you guys' permission. I'm already gonna do it. What I'm asking for is guys' help about how to do this.. From my best friends." Blaine replied.

"Okay. Then, as your best friends', we need to remind you that just a few weeks ago, you were totally confused. You didn't even know where Kurt stood with this Adam guy." Sam continued.

"I know you two hooked up at the wedding, but do you think because of that, you're back together?" Lexi asked."I'm not blaming you for being confused. I just don't want to see you execute the plan, only to find out that Kurt may or might not be with the Adam guy."

"Well, I don't remember you being this introspective when you were asking Lexi to marry you." Blaine said to Sam, as he shut his locker, and began walking down the hallway.

"One, I don't even know that that means, and two, I thought the world was ending, and when I realized it wasn't...I regretted it."

At that, Lexi shook her head, as she pulled away from Sam, in disbelief that he would regret something so special, even if it was fake.

Sam noticed the hurt in her eyes, and he sighed, trying to assure her that he didn't mean what he said. He wanted more than anything to marry Lexi one day. The time just wasn't reasonable at the moment.

"Sorry, that came shooting out of mouth. I didn't mean it that way." Sam spoke up again, as Lexi leaned into his arms again. "I obviously want to marry Lexi one day, just not in high school, because the time  isn't least right now." He rambled.

"Will you listen to yourself?" You sound like the rest of the world, saying that "it's not time yet." Well, you know what? People like me have been hearing that for hundreds of years. This is happening. I am going to ask Kurt to marry me. And Not only are you, Sam one of my best friends, but I was kind of hoping that you would be my best man, and Lex, I was secretly hoping you'd sing or give a cheesy, and humiliating speech, so let me know if you, uh, change your minds."

Blaine sighed, as he walked away leaving the couple standing there. They exchanged looks, knowing that he really wanted them there, and besides, getting to make a humiliating speech? That was something Lexi would do in a heartbeat. And she meant it purely out of love for her best friend.

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