19. Making Every Moment Count

Start from the beginning

"Just a little more, please," he says, as he pays attention to the amount of pasta I'm putting on his plate. I place a little more and ask him if that's enough and he nods.

"Dad, do you want some garlic bread?" Moonsik asks me as he reaches for the container of garlic bread closer to him.

"Yes, please," I reply to the boy beside me.

He places the garlic bread, he had first grabbed, on my plate.

"Thank you, Buddy," I tell him. He looks up and smiles at me.

"You're welcome! I love garlic bread!" He shares brightly with me.

"I know! And, your mom says you love carbonara so that's why I brought that today," I tell him.

"Thanks, Dad!" He happily says as he twirls his fork in his pasta.

Hearing him call me Dad... I never knew would be one of the best things in my life. 


It's now Saturday morning. I had Chulsan take me to rent a bike and after that, we headed over to Sooyoung's place. She and I plan to take Moonsik to Rockaway Beach Boardwalk for some bike riding and to take a ride on the ferry for an added adventure.

Shortly after I knocked on their apartment door, it swings open with Moonsik in front of me and Sooyoung right behind him.

"Hi, Dad!" Moonsik says with the most enthusiasm he can muster. And, again, my heart swells when I hear him call me 'Dad.'

"Hey, Bud! Ready for some bike riding?!" I ask him, matching my tone with his.

"Yes! Can we race?!" He excitedly asks me.

"We can arrange that. I bet you're faster than me, though," I smirk at him.

"That's true! I always beat Mom!" He says confidently.

When we get to Rockaway Beach Boardwalk, my family and I enjoy a relaxing bike ride around the area. The path goes for miles so it was a perfect choice Sooyoung suggested. Moonsik, of course was able to talk both me and his mom into doing short little races. And, you guessed it, the boy won every time. The joy in his face when he's having fun is quite something to behold. I took videos of him racing Sooyoung and I know I'll be watching them whenever I'm away and missing the two. I've been taking so many pictures and videos since I've been in New York for that reason. I just need as many images and video footage with me when I'm traveling or away from them, so that I always feel like I have a piece of them with me.

After we were done bike riding, Sooyoung and I treated our son to some lunch and ice cream. He had asked for ice cream as his prize for winning races against us, and who am I to deny him of that reward?

We ended the day trip with a ferry ride where we looked out and enjoyed the scenery. Sooyoung was taking pictures of Moonsik and I as he and I were talking to each other and pointing out to things we passed by on the ferry. I'm pretty sure she's trying to capture as many memories as she possibly can like I have been doing.

Our whole day trip, I was pretty inconspicuous with a giant black bucket hat on. I even brought a matching one for Sooyoung to wear and a Spider-Man bucket hat for Moonsik, since he's obsessed with Marvel. He was more than happy to wear it the whole time we were out. It was nice not feeling like people really noticed us. We felt like a normal family. Will it always be like this? of course not, but I'm glad today didn't come with any trouble.

I have a few more days left, and I have some ideas planned to make more memories with Moonsik.

But, I also have some one-on-one activities in mind that I want to have with Sooyoung.

Mommy and Daddy need their alone time, too.


I wanted to add the dialogue between Namjoon and Moonsik where they discuss what Moonsik should call Namjoon. It's something I relate to because, most of my life, I always addressed my step-dad by his first name, even though, in my heart, he's my dad because he has always been there for me and has been such a pillar in my life. Because he was introduced to me by his first name, at a young age, I just naturally called him by his first name most of my life. It wasn't until I was in college, when I was going through major anxiety over academics and life in general. My step-dad was my go-to person whom I always felt I could talk to without judgment. From there, I started calling him 'Dad.' I wish I did it sooner, but such is life. Things happen when they need to happen.

But anyway, that's why I had to add that part in the story. 🥰

🎵 Song to check out: "Real Love" by Regina Spektor (John Lennon cover)


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