Boil and Waxer

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"Trust me, I know what I'm doing, Master." I said as I looked over at Kenobi.

"Not even the force knows what you're doing, (Y/n)." Kenobi said with a sigh.

I shot him a look and heard a laugh. I turned to glare at the clones and saw Waxer and Boil covering their mouths. Cody shot them a look and they shut up.

"Sorry." Waxer said calmly.

I rolled my eyes and followed behind my master. When we finally arrived at the mission objection, we found that Anakin had yet to arrive.

"And as always, Anakin is late." Master Kenobi said with a sigh.

"So what's the plan, General?" Cody asked as he walked up to us.

"We wait for Anakin to finally show up with the C4." Kenobi said calmly.

"If you want, I can go look for him, master." I said calmly.

"Boil, Waxer. Go with her, please." He said as he looked over at them.

"So little trust, master." I said as I shook my head.

"Only because I know how you are." He said with a chuckle.

I turned to walk away but was stopped.

"And (Y/n), do try not to get into any trouble."

"Master, you would only have to worry if my last name was Skywalker."

"That's why I'm worried, your last name is Skywalker." He said with a frown.

"Not biologically. Biologically it's (L/n), but Anakin adopted me as his baby sister."

"Which is why I worry."

"I could of always stolen your last name, master."

I shot him a wink and rushed after the boys. I followed behind Boil and Waxer and looked around.

"So are we just getting the silent treatment now?" Boil asked calmly.

"Maybe if you hadn't laughed at my suffering then I would talk to you."

"Come on! Baby, you know we are just toying with you." Waxer said as he sent me a smile.

"Sure you are."

"You know we love you, and just want to mess around with you." Boil said as he wrapped his arms around my waist.

I shook my head and turned in his embrace.

"Next time, you both sleep in the barracks for a month." I said before I turned and left to find Anakin.

"Force I love them." Boil said happily.

"(Y/n) scares me, but also makes me love them... think we have something wrong with us?"

"Most definitely." Boil said as they followed behind me.

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