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I woke up with a start and looked around. I grabbed my alarm and my eyes went wide.

"Jesse get up! My alarm didn't go off!" I exclaimed.

He fell off the bed and let out a groan. I quickly got up and rushed to get dressed.

"What time is it?"

"0400." I said as I changed into my uniform.

"Five more minutes." He said as he crawled under the sheets.

I kicked him off of the bed and he finally woke up. I sent him a look and he rushed to put his blacks on.

By the time I made it to the medical wing Kix was waiting for me with most of the 501st who were there for a check up. I got to work on Fives and stayed silent.

"(Y/n) is that a hickey?" Fives asked shocked.

"Let me see!" Hardcase exclaimed.

Everyone got in my face and I moved away from them and covered my neck.

"No! It's just a mosquito bite." I said as my cheeks started to heat up.

"Oh really?" Kix asked with a smirk.

"Yea now back off." I grumbled as I pulled my shirt up.

The door open and my face went red as Jesse walked in with a hickey on his own neck.

"Hi, Mosquito." Rex said with a smirk.

"What?" Jesse asked with a frown.

"You guys are screwing each other and you didn't tell me! I'm you're best friend!" Kix snapped angrily.

"You told them!" Jesse exclaimed.

"No dumb ass! You just did! I said it was a mosquito bite! Why didn't you cover you're hickey up!"

"Excuse you, this is a mark of pride and I will wear it freely." Jesse said as he moved his shirt down.

I covered my face and let out a groan.

"Why didn't I just go for Rex?" I asked softly.

"Cause I'm just too good looking." Jesse said happily.

"I hate you." I said as I glared up at him.

"No you don't." He said as he kissed the top of my forehead.

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