'Nuhuh babe. That house gives me the creeps.'

'Hey! I'm not a psychopath!'

'Don't be so sure.'

If he was in front of me right now, I would slap the fuck outta him. With his judgemental ass.

But then I remember...why the fuck is he still up so late?

'How the fuck are you still awake?'

'I could ask the same to you.'

'I have insomnia, you little asshole. What's your excuse huh?'

'Couldn't sleep.'

'Right. And that's why you suddenly texted me about our assignment. We both know you don't give a shit about physics."

'Why are you so fucking smart?!'

'You're literally telling this to the daughter of the man that mastered "how to get away with murder" for years.'


'So? What's the real reason your baby ass is still awake at this time?'

'Remember the time I told you my mom's family's incident wouldn't be extreme?'

'Yeah, why? Do you know what it is?!"

'No...but I'm starting to doubt my own words.'

'Then there's only one way out.'



We both agree to finish this topic once we see each other again. Which is tomorrow at school.
I can't even imagine how awkward it will be.

All eyes on me in the middle of the ring just like a circus. Literally. Everyone is shocked.

It was on the 'BREAKING NEWS' all evening and morning. It took over all the headlines in multiple magazines. And in Winslow...

Nothing stays hidden.

Don't even mention the fact everyone knows I was in a mental asylum. Kinda hurts ngl.

Not everything has to be revealed.

I go back to the bed with heavy steps and force myself to sleep in Aziel's embrace. I took a pill a while ago. Hope that works.

Even though the man is sleeping, he embraces me with all his love. So tight. 

I hug him even more and close my eyes. I hear whispering. Aziel is whispering.

"What, baby?" I ask. Whispering softly too.

"I promise I'll..."
"You'll what?"

He takes a few breathes before answering. As I simply wait for his answer.

"I'm not god but...I'll take you to heaven...if you die..."

My heart aches at his words. They're sweet but weird at the same time. Is he dreaming? If so, what is he dreaming about? Huh?

What made him say that?

I can feel the pill working in and I can barely think anymore. I fully give in to it. Sleep.

Next day

"I'm not dressing up!" Nola chases me around the house. Is this becoming a hobby or something?

She's obsessed with clothing. So...Nola is obsessed with putting clothes on me!

"Oh please, why not?!"

"I'm literally going to school! Why the fuck should I dress up for such a depressing event!"
She rolls her eyes and holds me in her arms.

"Listen. You have a presentation. They put points on looking decent! You need those!"

"And you think this is decent?" I ask.

Nola rethinks her decisions and looks me up and down. "It's not like I put you in a mini hello kitty t-shirt. I put one purple top on you!"

"That is more colour than I can handle."

Aziel finally catches up with the both of us and laughs, saying:

"Come on babe. It looks pretty."

Fuck. Now I can't deny this shit.
"Fine. I'll go like this."

I mutter a lot of insulting words while picking up the new ugly ass backpack she bought and bang that door shut. I'm in a bad mood.

The bus takes longer to come than expected. No worries. It means I'll come late.

It means...I'll miss the presentations.

I get even more mad. She put me in this shit just for me to not go today. Not like all eyes aren't on my already.

Ever since I got out of my house. People look at me with pity. Fuck them actually.

I decided to skip the first two courses and wait until break time to enter. I already missed one and a half. Why not 2?

I text Rey:
'Meet me at the tree during break time.'

The little 30 minutes pass by like the wind.

Rey is immediately in my sight as he walks towards me. His hair flowing in the wind. Literally looking like a prince right now.

"What did you want to- Oh!"

His head bangs onto the ground. Ouch. A bleeding noise it is. He grunts and doesn't try to sit up again. Just giving up. I don't laugh.
Instead I seriously say:

"Tomorrow. I'll find it out tomorrow."

Author's note :

(Don't forget to cue the music and pic for the outfit. That's me btw hihi.)

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