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"The moon is beautiful, isn't it?"
My shivering self turns to him.

"Don't try to be poetic Aziel." I look at the moon. It's very bright this evening. It really is beautiful. I can't deny that.
"Come out, Nova."

I shake my head.

My lips tremble while talking to the man.
"I don't want to do this anymore..."
I feel the man sighing while standing on the sand.

"Come out Nova."
A tear falls out of my blurry eyes and I turn my whole body to him. The water moving with me.

"Why? So, you can kill me? Guess what Aziel, I'll kill myself first. Right. Now."
"Just listen to me!"

His loud scream reaches my ear and I stop moving. His hazel eyes shining in the moonlight.

"Sometimes you are the devil making me crazy, sometimes you're like this. Your eyes change colours. How?"

I can see Aziel thinking about my question but then he stretches his arm out.
"Come out and I'll tell you Nova."

I look behind me at the ocean that's awaiting me. I want answers. So I go to him. Completely wet.

As soon as I reach Aziel wraps me into his hoodie. It's warm. He sat me down on the gold sand. Both of us looking at the waves.

The waves I want to drown in.

He begins. In the corner of my eyes I can see him looking at his black shoes. Hesitating.

"Sometimes...I feel like I lose control. Like I'm not myself but someone takes over me?"
"How can a hallucination feel that?" I respond.

He shrugs.
"I don't know. But I don't want to hurt you."

I scoff at his ridiculous words.
"Stop bullshitting Aziel. You're the one with all those fucking hurtful words and thoughts. You're the one making me crazy. You're just... a stupid hallucination!"

I let all my anger out as I pick all of my shit up and scream in his face before I walk away in agony.
A strong pull on my wet shirt makes me jerk back and land on something....soft?

Lips. Aziel's lips. His broad hands cup face and pulls me closer. My eyes are still wide open as I look at his closed ones.

Oh hell no.
I hit him so he could let me go. But no matter what I did, he didn't. His strong ass didn't leave me a choice...but to give in.
I didn't want to enjoy it. I really didn't.

But I did. And it eats me up inside. It feels good. Here, in his arms at the beach.

My wet arms are now around his neck, making him wet with me. After a while we pulled back.
"Am I still the same stupid hallucination?"

He whispers softly as our foreheads touch each other. I gulp and he hears it as he chuckles at my reaction.
"Come on Nova...let's go home."

We walked home together. His hoodie didn't leave my body.

It was awkward. We both didn't know how to behave after that kiss. Silence was all we could hear.

As soon as we enter the pitch-black mansion. Aziel hurries to go away from me.
Where's the brave attitude he gave me earlier?

"Nova! You're home!"
Anastasia runs up to me and I, as usual, bend down to hug her. I feel guilty.

I wouldn't have had this if I ended my life back there and I mentally thank Aziel for saving me.

And for that kiss.
"Hey baby. How was school?"

"Good! Let's eat, let's eat, let's eat!" She pulls me with her to the dining room. Only two plates are on there.

Guess the others already ate. We keep talking about her friends and what she did today. I feel good knowing she's alright.

Unlike me.

"Nova?" I hum at her, indicating she can continue.
"Do you have a boyfriend?"

I choke on my potato. My stupid face turns red. Her cute head tilts as my sister waits for an answer.

I, on the other hand, gulp the cold water that I didn't touch before this question down. I get calmer and shake my head.

"N-No...I uhm...I don't think so?"
I look at all the corners that I never seemed to have noticed before in this house.

Until I meet him. Aziel with wide eyes, frozen on the spot.
"Okay then!"

Anastasia gets back to eating her vegetables that she complained about 5 minutes ago. However, I forced her to eat them.

We didn't break eye contact.
We're not- uhm...we're not together, right?
I mean a kiss doesn't mean anything.

It's not like he asked me to be his girlfriend. And he's a demon so maybe it's wrong.

But is it really that wrong? I'm going to hell anyway so this wouldn't hurt I guess.

Aziel suddenly smiles.

He can read my mind!

Make up your mind and I'll see what I can do for you.

With that he leaves, entering the black kitchen.

If you see any mistakes, kindly point them out and I'll correct them <33

His blurred eyesTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang