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I run my fingers across the two letters.
Nova and Rey.

"It's still there?" I turn my head to the male that invades my private territory. Even though it was his once.

"Yeah dickhead, it's hard to un-carve letters in a fucking tree." His eyes look sad.
I don't care, right?

You don't care.
That's what I thought.

I really want to kill him.
Too bad you're not his demon, right?
He's boring. So not really.

Boring huh?
"Do you have the night shift today?" He asks. I raise an eyebrow.
"Why? Are you going to visit me again?"
Rey shakes his head. "You'll see."

The school bell rings, and I pick up the grey cloth bag. "I prefer not to."

I walk to my class without turning back. Just like he did.

The tree. Is not his anymore.

As soon as I cross the street, I feel negative again. It seems like the part of the tree is a whole other world where you can be peaceful.

I just wish they didn't build that school in front of it.

Monday 09:19 p.m.

"Nova! Come here please!" I hear my manager say. I finish the client I was working with and go to the lockers where he was.

Someone taking my spot.
"What's wrong? Why did..." I trail off as I shut the door. Facing the manager and the two people next to him.

You have got to be fucking kidding me.
"We have a new employee! His name is Rey."
The newcomer waved his hand at me.

That's what he meant.
"I hope you welcome him well Nova."

I bit my tongue to not make an issue.
"Yes sir. I definitely will."

"By the way sir, I'm leaving. My shift is over."
I lie. I don't want to be in the same room with Rey more than I have to.

"Sure, Nova. Have a good night."
I turn to the man that screamed my name.

"I'll see you tomorrow, partner."
I shoot him a deadly glare that only he could understand.

Hopefully we won't see you ever again.

The only thing I like about this demon is that he hates Rey more than I do. As he should.

Monday 11:43 p.m.

"Come on fucking Sato. Where are you?"
Nothing. It's like the family doesn't appear in the media anymore.

I found out they had a daughter. But that was all.
"I told you that you won't get anywhere."

I roll my eyes as he sits on the white bed. Looking at me whom is staring at the picture again. Seeing if I missed a detail.

Knock, knock, knock

Shit. I quickly hide the picture under my ass. Nola already entered when I turn to see her standing figure.

"You alright?"
"Yeah, why?" I tower over the desk. Not letting her see the notes.

"Just...we haven't spoken in a while. You're always away. I heard that you're seeing a therapist? That's good."

I awkwardly smile at the little lie I told Katy. Nola and Nova.
We go way back.
Our mothers were 'soulmates'. At least that's what they always said.

Therefore our names resemble each other.
"Yeah I guess."

"But I think it's bullshit..." I fucking knew it.
"And I oop-"

I snap my head towards the guy that just spoke. He covers his mouth so that he wouldn't laugh.
Ugh, I hate him.

"Nova? What are you looking at?"
"Nothing! Why- uhm..why do you think it's bullshit?" I ask. Rubbing my sweating neck.

"I know you. What have you been up to? Please don't tell me.."
I shake my head. I guess I have to tell her?

I fumble under my butt.
"What the-"

"Here." I hand out the unknown boy's picture. Nola looks at it with a confused expression. Front and back.

"What is this?"

"A picture."
"Yeah no shit sherlock. Why do you have this?"

I breathe in and explain the whole story. Leaving out a little bit of details. She'll only worry more.

"I have to go back there." I inform. It's the only way I can get information about this case.

"What! Why?"
"Because it's common knowledge."
Nola crossed her arms as she sits on the bed.

I silently curse as I see that she sits right next to the demon. Not even an inch separating them.

"Hasn't she ever heard of privacy?" the demon remarks.

"Says the one who wants to jump off a building." I point my finger at her.
"That was in the past." I correct.

She scoffs. "That was 5 seconds ago." Now she corrects me.
I roll my eyes.

"I need to go back there. I won't let you stop me Nola."
She knows she can't. Once I make up my mind, I don't turn back.

"I just don't understand why? But I know that I'll never completely get you Nova. You're a complicated motherfucker. But I'm here for you. Always. Tell me if you need help okay?"

I nod. I thank her for that. No one will ever get me. And that ruins my chance of a normal and simple life.

But isn't being normal boring?

"Welcome home sir." I hear a faint voice from downstairs.
No, no, no, no, this can't be. Not now. No.

"Knock, knock, knock! Who's there? Your father...and your worst nightmare."

(Little) author's note:

I love hearing all of your theories! Keep them coming <33.
Again I want to thank all of you for the love I've been getting here.

(don't hesitate to ask me questions or anything like that, I love responding to y'all)

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