
535 36 44

"Harder! Push me harder!"
Her little voice screams. 

I laugh. She's so cute.
I took her to the park where I usually smoke.
I didn't want to stay in the house with him and I promised her I would play with her.

I'm not pushing her. The demon is.
I just lean on the long wooden pole, staring at them.

Anastasia probably sees me as the person who's pushing her.

"You heard the girl."
He rolls his eyes.

He's been off the hook with me since yesterday. The situation I am in isn't easy and I think he doesn't want to worsen it.

Odd...for a demon.
I just think it's because of my dad.

He hates him.
"Oh!! That's Liam! Let me off, let me off!"

I rush to her and pick her little body up.
Scared that she might fall.
"Who's Liam?" I ask. Demon guy joining me.
"Yeah who the fuck is Liam?"

I hit him on the shoulder.
"My friend! He's in my class."
Her angelic smile makes my day.

"Where is he?" She points to the little boy that slides down the slide.
I make my way there and put her down.

Waiting for them to see each other.

When they do, I leave them alone.
He's cute.

"No, he's not."
"Oh shut up! She's 9!"

He rolls his eyes and sits on the swing. Once a while I glance at Anastasia playing with Liam.
The demon on the other hand looks at them the whole time.

"So, I'm sure you're getting tired of me just calling you demon? And I'm sure you don't want me to call you Jesus because you know...you're a demon."

"Get to the point Nova."
Nova. The name I despise. Because these voices and thoughts keep calling me by that.

And because my dad chose that name.
The name I will soon love.

"What's your name?"
He turns his hazel eyes to me. Am I mistaking or were they white before?
The guy scrunches his eyebrows.

Thinking. Overthinking. Lost in his own thoughts until he answers:
"I don't know."

"Wha- Do you hate me that much you don't want me to know your name?"
He glares at me with his now red eyes.
"I genuinely don't know, you asshole."

"How do you not know?" I exclaim surprised. Everyone has a name.
"I just...demons don't have names I guess.."

"I can't keep calling you demon! That's just..."
"What? It's the truth. Don't misunderstand."
I click my tongue at his words.

"Fine I'll call you..."
I look around the park. I have no creativity at all. "Ah! I got it. Let's call you...Aziel!"

His faces turns into a disgusted one.
"What the fuck is that name?"
"Hey! It's a good name, besides it's n-"

I stop talking as I see an old couple look at me like I'm crazy. Slowly walking away with their grandchildren.

"Oh, fuck off you two. Shouldn't you both be in the grave already?"

His blurred eyesWhere stories live. Discover now