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I breathe in and out 10 times. Looking at the sight in front of me. I check my backpack.

Making sure the 3 puffers are with me. I close it and enter the alley.

Now here I stand, between the entryways to the graveyard and the way leading to the mansion. I move to the right, heading to the big house.

But I stop. Looking back at the graveyard.

Fuck. I need to do this.
I go back to the left and enter the graveyard. Looking around until I find my mom's one.

I kneel in front of her. Caressing the carved in letters spelling her beautiful name.
'Selena Maes'.

After whispering out loud, I break down. Hitting the stone repeatedly.
"Mom...Why...am I so empty?"

I have emotions. I do but I just can't...express them? I'm like an empty can.

Beautiful and lively on the outside but once you shake it, you see nothing is in there.

I wipe my salty tears away with my dirty hands. Dirty because I touched her grave. It's so dusty.
I stand up.

"I love you...Mom."
I step away with a heavy heart and don't look back as I make my way to the little way.

I push the tree branches away and encounter the odd mansion. Holding many secrets.

The answer to my suffering.

I take a deep breath in, checking the puffer again. A habit when I'm stressed out.
I walk to the big door while biting on my lips.

A loud creak echoed through the house as I peak my head through. It's clear.

I don't waste any time and enter. I recall seeing a desk upstairs. I run towards the stairs but abruptly stop.

What? It's old, it might break. I carefully step on every one of them and make it upstairs.

There are 3 floors to be exact. Way too big.

It's on the left, right? Oh, fuck it. Let's go.

I sprint over there and slam a door open.
Yes! I was right!

I slide to my knees and go through all the pictures. None of them don't have scratches on his precious face.

Well...that won't work.
I look at the back of the pics, still nothing.

My head flashes towards the desk.

Nova you stupid girl! Of course, there'll be something in the shelves.

I sit on the dusty chair that is very uncomfortable. My ass will definitely be aching today.

Blowing on the desk makes all the dust particles leave and float through the chemical air. Nothing is on it except for crayons.

I open every slide-block and look through it. More pictures were there and some documents I didn't understand shit from.

In the last one there was a letter, closed.
I hurry and open it with my nasty fingers.

I need to hasten up a little bit. It's getting dark.

I, again, blow on the letter and the letters come through. Written very elegantly. So elegant that I can't read it.

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