Our own small world

320 22 38

Cue music!

"Reverse card, ma ami!"
Aziel grunts. Accepting his defeat.

We're playing uno on the rooftop. After the whole sappy event. Aziel finally understood the game after I explained it for 30 minutes.

And he still lost.

"I can't believe this."

I laugh at the guy that suddenly looks like a little kid to me.
"You can't beat years and years of experience."

"Experience? Who did you play with? Your ass was alone!" I point my slender finger at him, with a death glare.

"Mister teddy bear was a great companion!"
Don't insult my fucking bears. Aziel chuckles at my immature self. I didn't like it.

I assemble all the cards for the next round as he says:

"It's 'mon ami' by the way."

As soon as I put them in order I hit the cards on the little table between us.

"Mira este demonio que està tratando de conocer mejor que yo que ha estado siguiendo clases de francés durante 3 años."

Spanish Nova insults him by saying Aziel doesn't know better than me.
Aziel keeps on staring at the cards on the table.


"Puedo ver que desperdiciaste 3 años de tu vida porque no ha valido la pena. Sin embargo, no te culpo por distraerte en classe."

Which literally translates back to:
"I can see you wasted 3 years of your life because it hasn't paid off. I don't blame you for being distracted in class."

My current wide eyes blink 10 times minimum.
"How did you-?"

Aziel shrugs.
"I'm a genius. Deal with it."
I unconsciously laugh at his words.

"Yet you can't figure out a simple game. How about this? You go take my tests for me and I'll..."
"You'll what?"

I rub my scalp. Thinking hard.
"How about I show you a secret path?"

Aziel's eyes shine at the word 'secret'.

"Deal, señora."
Not only is he handsome but that Spanish accent too?! My heart can't take this.

"Alright, pull me up."
Aziel rolls his eyes before standing up and dusting his usual black clothes off.

I wait for him like a little kid.

Then he holds my right arm and pulls it up.
"We're going to need some swimsuits!"
"Say what now?"

"You're in for a good time, aren't you?"
He nervously nods.

I honestly just want to have a smile on his face.

Only then I'll be reassured that everything is okay between us. The words I said aren't normal words. They're shameful. I don't even understand why he's still here.

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