My angel

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The police arrives quicker than I expected. Leading all of the guests away from the dangerous man's surroundings.

I stare in front of me. Looking at the sight of my dad being pushed in that car along with my aunt. The crazy thing is is that my dad smiled at me. Not a creepy one, but a genuine one.

That will stick with me for a while.

"You okay?" Rey asks. Governing my body with his jacket. I smile and nod.

"More than that."

Rey was shocked too. He knew my dad was an asshole but he never knew he would be one to this extent. To be a murderer.

"I take my words back..."
I look at him. My eyebrows joining each other.
"I don't understand, Rey." I respond.

He softly smiles:
"You're better than your family, Nova."

The happiness that fills me after his words is unreal. Those words are the only thing I want to hear. I'm not like them. Not a psycho.

I'm a good person.

"Pfft, way to be emo dude." I tease. But I know for sure that Rey knows I'm happy on the inside.

I can see that on his face. That smile of his.

"Come on. Let me take you home."

I can't wait to go home and just relax. Not carrying a burden anymore. Justice will take it from here. Dad is ruined. And I'm saved.

I don't even say goodbye to Rey properly and sprint toward my room. Busting the door open.

"I don't like this." Aziel says as he looks at me who is breathing like a maniac. A big smile too.

"I'm happy."

He slowly approaches me. Putting his large hand on my forehead. "Are you sick?"

I slap it away.
"No I'm not sick!"

Aziel licks his lips and analyses me. Head to toe. His hand on his chin. Thinking really hard.
What is the reason Nova is all smiley?

"That corset is too tight on you. I fucking knew it. Stupid ass designers. Not letting people br-"

I push his hand away from my waist and cup his cheeks. His eyes look so lost.
"Have you gone completely crazy?"

I laugh.
"I did it."

Aziel blinks. Asking for a better explanation.

"I told everyone my dad killed mom. I-I went against him. He's finally going to jail, Aziel!"
He takes a few minutes the process the actions we both though were impossible.

"Holy shit!"

Aziel picked me up and spun me in the air. Both of us laughing uncontrollably. We're free.

Free from burdens.

"I'm so fucking proud of you."
His head leans on mine. I close my eyes. Just enjoying his little motions. Enjoying him.

I keep them closed when he caresses my cheeks. His touch sending energy to my body.


"You don't deserve anything of this. I don't know why god is doing this to you cuz..."

"You're an angel. My angel."

I chuckle at his sweet words and finally open my green eyes. Already staring at his hazel ones. Admiring his features.

"And you're my demon."

His blurred eyesWhere stories live. Discover now