Not there

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"Can we talk?"
God. Aziel's been bothering me with his fucking request for days now.

Every time I come back from school, he's there. Waiting for me. With his question.
"Can we not? I'm busy."

I respond just like the past week and a half as I move towards the closet.

Picking up some options.

I'm going to a fair with Rey. We're slowly hitting it off. And he's pretty fun actually.

"I won't believe this bullshit again."
"It's not bullshit, alright? I have plans."
Aziel follows me back and forth.

"Oh yeah? Like what? Avoiding me like you've done for the past 11 days?!" he screams.

I throw a ruby red shirt on my bed in frustration.
"What you being so mad for?!"

"What am I being so mad for?! You tried to fucking kill yourself Nova! Right in front of my ass! I saved your fucking life, again!"
His veins pop out as his eyes have never been so red. They're practically lasers.

"I was worried like an asshole! My heart broke seeing you there! I-...I didn't  know what to do and I was scared of losing you. I-..."

The asshole's voice cracks as he continues his long lecture. Igniting a certain emotion in me.

"I stayed with you..."

"Do you want me to congratulate you, Aziel? Is that what you fucking want?! Fine! Congratulations for saving someone's hell of a life and thanks for waisting your precious time on helping a poor human being!"

His eyes drift from anger to... sadness?
I, on the other hand, am still furious. Does he think I chose to be a depressed bitch? No!

"What happened to you?" he sounds deeply hurt. But I don't care. Not now.

"Nothing, Aziel. No one asked you to stay. You can't intervene in my life. Why don't you just do your job as a demon instead of trying to become an angel?"

"We both know you'll never be one."
I give up on changing clothes and stick to my school clothes.

Not that I care.

"Now if mister demon will excuse me. I'm off to the fair with Rey."
"Rey? Is that where you've been all these days? With that asshole? Why?"

"We all have our reasons."
With that I close the bedroom door and leave as fast as possible.

Trying to shake the bad thoughts of guilt away.
Rey's waiting in his car. I smile and hop in.

"You excited?"
I chuckle.
"More than ever."

After a 15-minute ride, we arrive at the big fair. My eyes literally shine at the sight of all the attraction parks and the big Ferris wheel.

"Looks like you still love fairs as much as when we were kids."
I hug him sideways while jumping up and down.

"I haven't been here in a long time! Come on, you slow poke! Let's go!"

I grip his hand and start running to one of attractions.
"Want to ride this one first?"

I nod at his question like a little kid. Rey ruffles my hair and buys tickets.
"I'm going to puke after this, I just know it."
I laugh at his admitting self.

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