The number of dead bodies lying on the ground greatly outnumber those still standing. 

I gulp, swallowing down the bitter fear that has lodged in my throat like a knife, threatening to cut my insides open. 

I still can't see Lucian. 

We take cover behind blocks of ice and fire when we can, moving closer and closer to the battlefield. 

Up close I can see that the Plutonians on Lazarus's side do in fact out number us. I catch Lazarus standing behind a shield of soldiers. He barks orders and some of his soldiers fire through huge devices. They shoot out multiple laser beams at once. 

A head of salt and pepper catches my sight and I have to hold myself back from running to Remulus. He is hiding by another piece of rock with Altair next to him. They try their best to shoot at Lazarus but his shields are too strong. 

There are too many covering him. 

Just then a soldier in a helmet rushes to Remulus and takes cover with them. My heart leaps to my throat as I take in his slim frame, broad shoulders and long legs that stretch over the ice as he bends down. 

The huge gun Lazarus's uses aims at the boulder they are hiding behind and it bursts into pieces after being shot multiple times. 

I try my best to shoot at Lazarus's side while Lucian, Remulus and Altair rush to take cover elsewhere. 

Commander Q gestures for us to go closer but Luna is frozen like the ice around us. She sits by the boulder, her expression filled with turmoil. 

"I can't," Her voice cracks. "I can't watch." 

A tear slides down her pale cheek and drops to the floor as an icicle. 

I nod, not wanting to push her further. She's already done so much more than any of us could. I squeeze her shoulder and the rest of us rush off to join Lucian and his soldiers. 

Some of them are in helmets but Remulus and Altair are not. I see their faces brighten against the cold white background when they see us. 

"Minion!" Remulus says, his face is filled with exhaustion but I don't miss the relief in his eyes. "Took you long enough." 

"Commander Q?" Lucian asks in confusion. His voice carries through his helmet robotically and he grabs my hand, pulling me towards him protectively. 

"General Luna explained everything. We are fools who have been fooled, General Lucian. Please forgive us and allow us to serve your cause," Commander Q says quickly and his soldiers huddle behind us. 

We don't have much time for talk because a flurry of bullets crash into the rocks in front of us. 

"I'm sick of that damn machine," Lucian mutters. "Do you any officers still flying? Can any of them shoot it down?" 

Commander Q speaks into his broken communicator, calling for reinforcements but there are no replies.

"Heard you loud and clear, General Lucian," Pollux's voice comes through one of the communicators and I see a few ships flying from afar. Soon more ships approach from the sky and then I hear a round of explosions. 

We peep through a hole in the rocks to see Lazarus's squad retreating, their gun machines all destroyed. 

The soldiers back up and we take this opportunity to charge at them. Even General Lyra, Commander Rigel and other familiar faces join the fight. 

My legs burn at the exertion but I scream, along with the others as we run towards them, firing like mad people. 

Lazarus's soldiers try their best to cover him but some of them hesitate when they see Commander Q and his soldiers with us. 

"This is absurd! What are you doing! Kill them all!" Lazarus screams hopelessly but it's easy to see that he has lost. 

His own greed was the thing that finally defeated him. 

He runs to his ship, a small black ball with wings that make it look like an insect. I turn to Lucian, smiling in victory even though some are still fighting. 

He is standing about a hundred metres away, facing me. He pulls off his helmet and I barely make out his face when something wraps around my waist like a tight coil. 

Frowning I look down to see a rope like device wrapped around my torso and the next thing I know I am hurtling across the ice like a piece of rock. I try to reach out and grab something but everything is a blur.

My body hits something hard, sending ripples of pain across my back. 

Something grabs me and the wall shuts, engulfing me in darkness. I blink profusely at my surroundings. Dim grey walls and a small control board and then I see Lazarus standing by the window. 

He presses a button and speaks in a deranged voice. "Lucian, come alone or I blow her brains into pieces. Send out any message for help and I blow her brains to pieces. Don't test me." 

The engines start running and soon we are up in the air, flying away from Earth once again. 

I roll onto my side and groan loudly. "You have lost. Your officers have turned against you. You won't make it out of here like this." 

Lazarus walks over to me and kicks me so that I am lying on my back facing him. 

He steps on my wrist, enjoying the pain in my face but I notice his gaze is different. His eyes are blood shot and crazed. I have never seen him look so unnerved. 

A sliver of fear crawls up my spine. "He won't come alone." I say hopefully although even I know it's a lie. 

Lazarus bends down, his features now twisted into something inhumane. A person who has lost everything, a person who is driven by hatred and obsession.

"Oh he will come for you, Bone Breaker. I am counting on it." 

Guess, double update woot woot! 

Did anyone expect the ending though?

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