XXIII. Ranboo's Worry

Start from the beginning

"Ranboo! Come!" Ghostbur exclaimed and Ranboo turned around to see that he had brought Puffy with him.

     The stronghold was cold and a definite maze, but Ghostbur seemed to know where they were heading to. Ranboo just followed him not really knowing what he should expect.

"This is the library!" Ghostbur exclaimed stepping into a huge room filled with bookcases.

"What're we lookin' for exactly?" Ranboo asked letting his eyes wander through the books.

"A book that talks about traveling dimensions!" Ghostbur answered and floated somewhere deeper into the library.

Ranboo started looking around. He found a lot of book about different dimensions, but non of them seemed to tell how to travel through dimensions.

Suddenly an old book catched his attention. He picked it up and opened the first page, almost dropping the book on the floor as he read the first like.

Dear Tubbox

Hey Tubbo! How are you? You're probably wondering where I went from Logstedshire and the whole Dream Smp.. Well, I was found by someone and she brought me to a new dimension! I now live in Phoenix Drop and I love this place! The person who found me is Lord Aphmau and she adopted me. I have two adopted brothers, Levin and Malachi. Levin is still a toddler, but Malachi is over 900 years old ghost, whose still in child's body. They are amazing and actually pretty funny!

But I really miss you Tubbo and Wilbur too.. Also Techno, only a bit thought. I know that you're not going to ever even get this letter, but I wanted to write for you! You're my best friend after all.. Even if you exiled me.. I lie to myself that Dream was just using you as one of his puppets when you exiled me, pretty funny isn't it?

I still have the compass in my pocket. I also seem to have How To Sex 2 with me, oops. I had to hide it after Drista almost read it. Those are the two items I have from Dream Smp with me in this new dimension. I kinda miss Dream Smp, but at the same time I don't.. Phoenix Drop feels safe and I like it.!

Hopefully we see again some day! Goodbye Tubbo.

From your Tommy.

     What was that supposed to mean? It was like a letter, from Tommy, but why? And how was it here if when it seemed like it had been written in the other dimension?

He picked a few details, Lady Aphmau, Levin, Malachi, Phoenix Drop. Wasn't Malachi the stranger who visited them and took Tommy away? The book mentions that he was in child's body, but he seemed like an adult or grown teenager when Ranboo saw him? He thought that the letter might have been from the first time Tommy visited the place, which was apparently called Phoenix Drop and seemed like it was led by Lord Aphmau, Tommy's adoptive mother.

He flipped pages to see the next letter Tommy, or at least he thought it was Tommy, had written.

Dear Tubbox,

This is the 2nd letter I'll write for you. Yesterday a villager named Alexis woke up from coma and we had a party for her today. I decided to leave a bit earlier since I don't think that I'll fit in with the young children. I can perfectly fine play with Levin and Malachi, but now there's more children and I don't know if I should join them.

I came inside and started writing another letter for you Tubbo! How are things is Dream Smp and L'manberg? Are you still the president? Is Wilbur still a ghost? Has Techno visited? How's Phil? What's Dream up to? Does any miss me..? And most importantly, how are you Tubbo?

I'm doing perfectly fine, but I'm just a bit worried about Lady Katelyn, who's at our docs. O'Khasis seems like a big threat to a village like Phoenix Drop. I have to admit that I'm afraid. Yes, the manly man Tommyinnit is afraid, don't you even dare to laugh Tubbox!

Aphmau also suggested that I should start training to be a guard. That sounds really interesting and I think that I might actually accept the offer. The guards in Phoenix Drop are really cool and strong, I would like to be like them! Maybe I could even learn to protect myself and you Tubbo! Then Dream would be finally afraid of me, that would be so cool!

Yours, Tommy.

     Ranboo glanced at the second letter. It explained why Tommy had been able to beat Techno. But he didn't understand why was the book there.

He decided to see if he would be able to find some information about Phoenix Drop to hopefully get some more answers to his questions, which he now had plenty of.

After a little searching he managed to find a book about Lady Irene, a goddess in the Rua'un region, which had existed thousands of years ago. In Rua'un had been a village called Phoenix Drop, which had been last led by Lady Aphmau, who had been related to Lady Irene herself. The book mentioned Lady Aphmau's five children, Levin, Malachi, Lilith-Garnet, Alina and Tommy. No one knew what happened to her or her children because the history is blurry and details are missing.

     Ranboo just stared at the book not knowing what he should think. Tommy hadn't gone to a different dimension, he had gone to the past and now he was in the history books.

Was the first book a book Tommy had written himself? It seemed to be just letters to Tubbo that he had written during his life in the place called Phoenix Drop.

Now Ranboo was definitely curious. He wanted to do more research and learn more about Phoenix Drop and Lady Irene. He wanted to find out about the past and figure out what Tommy had been through. He needed information, and the library seemed like a perfect place to find it from.

He picked up another book, which was about Lady Irene and started reading through the hundreds of pages handwritten texts, which was apparently scholars researches from thousands of years ago. One name he picked up was Emmalyn, a scholar who had been a close friend with Lady Aphmau and had lived in Phoenix Drop even before Lady Aphmau had arrived. They had even been roommates for a short while.

Ranboo found certain mentions of the children of Lady Aphmau. Apparently all of them were adopted, expect her biological daughter Alina, who was her youngest.

He finally found a mention of Tommy,

Lady Aphmau found her oldest son when he was 16 and raised him to be the best guard in all Rua'un. Around age 26 he disappeared from Phoenix Drop and never came back. Lady Aphmau was heartbroken, but kept telling everyone that he would be fine no matter what. He yet has had a funeral, but he does have a statue in Phoenix Drop.

    Tommy had died? Or just disappeared? Ranboo didn't know what had happened to him, but he wanted to know more. He hadn't ever been really interested about history, but now he felt like he needed to know the truth of what had happened to Tommy all those centuries ago.

"I couldn't find the book," Ghostbur jumpscared Ranboo by an accident. "I think we should leave before the night arrives. DreamXD won't like the fact that we're here!" He added.

"Alright, I'll just take a few books with me," Ranboo decided and put all the books he had found to his enderchest that he carried with him.

"Let's go," Ghostbur began leading him out of the stronghold.

On the way out Ranboo noticed a symbol on one of the walls, Lady Irene's symbol.

Looked like the place was hiding more than he could have ever expected.

What had exactly happened to Tommy?

Words: 1904

(It's been so fucking hot outside! Around 25°C and I'm literally dying +my allergies are killing me :])

(The picture is once again taken by me!)

(Also sorry for the lack of updates, but I have only a few weeks left of school and we have a lot of exams. Then I have the summer break and then I have to go to High School (Secondary middle school) because it changed that everyone has to continue school after middle school :') Well, at least I don't have to pay anything, more free school. Before you had to actually pay something for at least the books, but now it's gonna be free for everyone just like elementary school and middle school have been.)

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