"I- I looked at my dad and the bullet wound in his head and his body was turned towards my mum and Gemma like he was trying to protect them." He cries even harder and it takes him longer to calm down.

"I eventually ran downstairs and called the police and when they got there they started to question me about what happened. I remember when the medical examiner brought down their bodies in body bags and I just broke. I collapsed to the ground crying thinking maybe my tears will bring them back. The police eventually left and a case was opened. I was sent to a foster home. A couple of months went by and no leads or anything were found and the case went cold." He whispers and he sits up looking at me with his bloodshot eyes.

"One day as I was looking for clues towards their murder, a man came up to me and said that he could help me. It ended up being your dad. Obviously, I accepted because I just wanted to get justice for them. He took me to someplace in London and he gave me everything he had about the case. I read over every single detail, finding out things I didn't even know." He pauses taking a shaky breath in.

"Gemma was pregnant. She wasn't far along, but still, she was going to have a baby. She was only 19 but fuck it broke me. She had her whole life ahead of her and it was taken away by some fucking imbecile." He starts to rant, his anger is slowly trickling through.

"I had nowhere to go, I was living in a foster home and I couldn't take it anymore. All I wanted was revenge. Your dad promised me I would be able to get revenge if I joined the gang. So I did. That was the start. At 16 I was the newest and youngest member of The Deplorables." He lays back down cuddling me into him, leaving a kiss on top of my head.

"Months of research go by and as we come up onto the one year anniversary of their death we get a break. We got intel that someone from our rival gang The Superiors, killed my family. So naturally, we find out who they are, kidnap them and get the information out of them. He killed my family over something my dad did to him back in high school. Fucking high school Hope." I flatten my hand on his chest rubbing up and down to try and keep him calm.

"My dad dated his ex-girlfriend after they broke up, and well she fell in love with him and he didn't. She was obsessed with him and eventually, he broke it off. After that, she went back to him, but he was never good enough for her because he wasn't my dad. So he held a vendetta against him. He told me how my mom and Gemma were screaming and pleading with him and how he made my dad watch everything to torture him. That's all I got out of him before I shot the motherfucker the same way he did to them. After all this time I still hurt. I try so hard to escape but reality sneaks up on me and captures my mind." He pauses before whispering, "So that's that. That's why I'm so fucked up."

I move around in his arms and lean my head up capturing his lips in mine leading a slow and sensual kiss. I break the kiss after a couple of seconds before whispering against his lips.

"You're not fucked up. You just had a rough couple of years bubs." He kisses me again, before reaching over and turning off his light leaving us in darkness.

He pulls me closer to him nuzzling his head into the crook of my neck as we try to sleep.

I'm on the brink of sleep when a blaring alarm jolts us and Harry immediately gets out of the bed.

"Shit." he starts muttering to himself as he throws clothes on.

"Harry, what's wrong?" I ask but he ignores me flying around the room gathering things. He opens his nightstand grabbing a gun and tucking it into the waistband of his jeans.

"Harry!" I yell at him and he finally stops looking at me.

"Hope go into the black room and wait there okay." He says to me calmly as he continues his search. I don't make an effort to move still trying to figure out what's happening.

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