Chapter Twenty-Four: Magic

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This is pointless.

Kelpie classes are officially pointless.

It's not like I'm actually going to learn anything here. I don't actually have shape-shifting magic. So this whole class is just a waste of my time, and it's not just because I don't actually have a kelpie. It's because of the professor, the old Kitsune named Seti. Yes, the same as our politics professor. While he doesn't seem to care much about his students at all, he at least appears to enjoy talking about politics. Magic? Not so much. I've got the feeling he only "teaches" this class because he's required to.

Same as last week's magic classes, he writes a series of drills on a pad, then settles down under a tree to sleep the rest of the period.

I suppose this is what the rest of the semester is going to look like, huh?

Well, if Seti's asleep, he won't know if I sneak off...

That's a horrible idea.

With all the gryphon holder scouts, guards, staff, and professors wandering about I'll be caught for sure. But what are my other options? Sit here and waste another training period making a fool of myself? Besides, it's not like I'd be the only student skipping class. Mariona didn't even have the consideration to wait until Seti was asleep to leave. And even if I am caught, can Headmaster Ardan blame me for wanting more answers? So long as I use it to work on my actual familiar training and research he can't get too mad at me, right?

Mind finally made up, I pack a small back with a journal, some pencils, and some bandages Seti has lying around in case someone injures themselves. Going to my decoy kelpie, I try to wake him. That takes about four attempts because the moment my decoy stands up he immediately falls back over into a snoring slumber. Once he's finally on his feet I guide him to the edge of the kelpie's island. While the dragon's island is stuck at the top of steep bluffs, the Kelpie's island is basically a giant, rolling hill sticking out of the lake's heated water. A few people see me sneak off towards the water, but do not pay me much mind.

I'm afraid to mount my decoy. I'm afraid I'll snap his unsteady back and legs. But I cannot walk on water, so I really have no choice. Carefully, slowly, I swing one leg over his back and lower myself onto his back. Surprisingly my decoy doesn't falter under my way and pleasantly trots across the lake's surface. 

It's odd, but fascinating; walking across the lake, being able to look down and watch the fish swim beneath us.

Zahairas? I ask as I watch the scene under water, which is an odd experience to say the least.

What now? Is the grumbling answer I receive.

Sheesh! I was just gonna ask if you're going to be at the dragon's island.


Because I'm heading there right now.

Don't you have class?

Yes. Kelpie class. Do I have to explain how useless that is? I huff.

Completely useless, Zahairas agrees. But do you not think getting caught sneaking off to an abandoned island might be a bit suspicious.

The professor is taking a nap as we speak. Students have already snuck off. No one will know I'm gone.

Alright, I'll be over soon. But if this goes badly remember that I warned you.

Yeah, yeah. I grumble as we reach the dragon's island. I crane my neck back as I look up the steep bluff leading to the top as I tug on the strap of my bag over my shoulder. I don't think I fully thought this through. How am I supposed to get up there? All the other times I've traveled over here Zahairas has flown me to the top. I guess I'm going to have to climb up there myself now. 

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