Chapter Twenty-Two: Letters and Chess

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It's the first day of the week, which means it's time for a rest. Even so, I wake up with the sun as usual. As I sit up and stretch I can see that I'm up before Dezden, who is still sleeping in the tub. Trying my best not to disturb him I climb out of bed and carefully tiptoe to my wardrobe next to the door. As I pull out and outfit for the day, I notice a series of envelopes stuck under the door. I pick them up and see that they are letters from home.

I smile as I sit down in a chair near my wardrobe and flip through them. There's one from Vilda, Tempest, Bebin, Fredricks, and His Majesty, King Donar of Durcardi.

My stomach drops at the sight of Father's letter. There's no telling what lecture hides in that envelope.

I sigh as I hold Father's letter up once more and tear the envelope open. I might as well get this over with.

"To his Royal Highness,

Crown Prince Cai Ephriam Donar Gesamere,

Dear son, I must say that I am disappointed by the familiar you've acquired. A Kelpie is not the sort of formidable force one would associate with a king. Still, we'll make due I suppose.

I was informed upon the ship's return that you picked a fight with some of the sailors. While I am sure that they were out of line and no doubt provoked you, I needn't tell you that it is bad form to quarrel with the common folk. Do not think just because you have left the palace that you can forget protocol. You are a Crown Prince. It is beneath you to even pay mind to the commoners, much less fight with them. Do not fret if they speak ill of you. As far as you are concerned they do not exist.

I'm willing to overlook this infraction as a mere reaction to all the changes you have recently faced. So let's allow bygones to be bygones and not repeat this behavior in the future.

Now, I'm sure you have already been approached by many fine young women since you have arrived at school. Pay them no mind yet. Your primary task this year is to focus on your studies. During the break between this year and the next you and I will look through a list of all the eligible young ladies in your class to determine who will and will not make a suitable queen. You can then begin courting the ones we deem worthy the following year to see who you like. I would prefer it if we could cement a betrothal for you by your eighteenth birthday, but, obviously, your studies take precedent, so do not worry if we have to wait until your nineteenth birthday. You will not be married until you graduate, after all.

I know you probably feel I am rushing you, but seeing as you are my only living son there is an unfair precedent set upon you. It's imperative you have your own heir as soon as possible should the worse come to pass.

Obviously, a son of Axellia would also fit the role, but your descendant would be preferable.

Once again, though, do not worry about that this year. Focus on your studies.


His Majesty King Donar Nicholai Harlowe Gesamere."

"Ugh!" I groan as I let my hand drop to my side and lean back in my chair. As if having dragons, and mysteries, and erased histories weren't enough, now Father wants to talk about heirs and marriage! To be fair, Father doesn't know about my... well... complications, shall we call it. And he's not going to! Not for a while yet, at least. I don't even know how to begin explaining this to him.

At least his lecture wasn't as bad as I expected.

I glance down at my other letters. Who should I open next?  As I thumb through the letters again, I confirm that there is nothing from Mother. Not that it's surprising. Fredricks may have sent me a lecture, or maybe just a "how do you do?" It's hard to tell with him. Might as well read his next.

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