33|thirty three|33

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Will George die
Will he live
No one knows
Gotta wait till the end bitches 🤪

-suicidal thoughts
-really bad anxiety attack
-eating disorder
-mentions of suicide

Requested song:
Vas by Jagger Finn


::at ranboos house::

As Dream is sleeping on the couch,
Ranboo is making Dream some breakfast.
Tubbo and Tommy already ate and are outside playing basketball.
Dream moves a bit but somehow doesn't wake up.
Ranboo finally finishes and puts the food on a plate, going over to Dream.
"Dream..wake up I made you some pancakes"
"Nghhh" He groans.
"Come on buddy you gonna get up"
Dream sits up and runs his hands through his hair.
"Have you heard from the hospital about George yet?"
"Not yet"
"Here I made you some pancakes"
"I'm not hungry"
"Come on Dream please?" 
"I said im not hungry"
"Fine." He says rolling his eyes. 
"Okay here" Ranboo says handing him the plate. 

"Thanks" He says taking it and setting it down.
"Dream you doing okay?" Ranboo asks sitting down beside him.
"Mhm I'm fine"
"You sure?"
"I'm always here for you Dream"
"I know"
"And listen. There's a small chance that George will live but I'm sure he'll get lucky"
"Can you please eat?"
"I'll eat later"
"Im fine. It's fine. I'll eat later."
"Okay. Do you maybe want to go hang out on the rooftops of my apartment? They're really cool"
"Yeah sure"
"Okay come on dream" he says grabbing Dreams arm and dragging him to the stairs.
"Come on! Quit being such a limp rag. He's gonna be fine okay?" Ranboo says giving a small smile. 
"You don't know that, ranboo! You don't know if he's gonna be okay! Wh-what if he doesn't make it?" Dream can barely stutter out before tears start slipping down his cheeks.

"Dream I'm sorry. Just come on. Let's chill! Relax. Sit on the rooftop." He says pulling Dream up the stairs. 
"Ranboo-" he tries saying.
"Nope. Come on. Your gonna tell me about how you feel and I'm gonna listen." Ranboo beams at the other, now opening a door and showing Dream the rooftop.
"Woah.." Dream whispers.

"Sit down. I'll listen to everything you have to say" he says pulling the blondes arm down.
"Okay okay.."
"So..." Ranboo says smiling as his dimples appear,his grey eyes shining.
"How ya feeling about it, big man?" He says Nudging Dreams elbow and sitting back across from him.
"I-I really don't know. I don't know if he's okay, If it worked, nothing. He hung himself and we don't know if he's gonna live. Listen Ranboo. I love him with my whole heart. I wanna be with him for the rest of my life. I- Ranboo I want to marry him."

"YES! DO IT! PLEASE HE WOULD BE SO HAPPY AND GLAD AND JOY-" Ranboo says jumping up from his seat.
"Zip it!" Dream says shoving a finger to the others lips.
"Sorry" He chuckles, taking his finger off.
"No, no your fine."
"But I actually want to marry him. He's my everything. I would buy him the moon. I'd sell my own bones for sapphire stones cause blues his favorite color. Just for him. I just- I really wanna marry him. But I don't know if I'm ready or if he's even ready-" He trails off.
"Hey. Take your time. But when your ready, go for it dude! You both would be an amazing married couple." Ranboo laughs.
Dream feels a warm feeling in his chest and smiles slightly.
"Dream, your an amazing person. Your the best person and best friend that I've ever had. Your gonna be amazing for George."
Ranboo feels his phone vibrating and answers the call.
Surprisingly, it's from the hospital.
"Hello is this a friend of George Davidson?"
"Yes it is"
"He's okay."

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