27|twenty seven|27

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⚠️TW: really bad panic attack🤠⚠️

Btw yes it's normal to have an anxiety attack after coming out of the hospital:)

~George's POV~
I wake up and see that we both fell asleep.
It's 4am and I hear Dream crying.
"Dream! Are you okay?"
He doesn't answer. Instead he just rocks back and forth sobbing.
"Dream?" I say again.
I figure he's having a panic attack.

"Dream can you try breathing with me?"
"I-I cant b-breath.."
"Hey..shhh I'm here for you okay? I'm gonna help you don't worry"
"Can you try breathing with me baby? I'm here I'm gonna help you"
"Is it alright if I touch you?"
He nods his head as I put a hand on his shoulder.

"Shhh it's gonna be okay"
"Can you try and take ten deep breaths with me?" I ask.
"I'll try.."
"Okay I'm gonna count to ten as we do it"
"Okay come on let's start"
"One..two..three..four.." I count as we breath.
"I-It's hard to breath I can't.."
"Shh can you tell me why your having a panic attack?"
"I-I don't know.."

This is hard. I've never helped someone in this situation.
"Hey..it's okay baby can you tell me how you feel?"
"My chest hurts..I c-cant breath.."
"I'm gonna get you some water okay?"
He nods his head as I get him some water.
I come back still seeing him crying and hand him water.

"Can you try and drink some water?" I say handing him the cup.
He nods and takes it, shaking.
"Baby your doing great"
"Can you try and tell me 5 things you can see?"

"The bed.."
"Your doing amazing baby" I say moving my hand to his cheek.
"Uhm..the cup of water..your hand.."
"Come on baby one more"
"My h-hands.."
"Great job!"
"Can you breath yet?"
"Alright uh.."
"Can you tell me your name?"(It distracts them dw he didn't forget)
"Good job"

"Can you remember what you did yesterday?"
"Not really.."
"Okay do you feel comfortable sitting on my lap?"
I pick him up and put him on my lap, having him face me.
He lays his head on my shoulder and I move him from side to side.
"Shhh baby your okay"

"I'm here for you it's gonna be okay it will be over soon" I say rubbing his back.
I kiss his head while rocking him from side to side.
"It's okay baby I'm here"
"Are you able to breath yet?"
"Alright that's good!"
"Do you want to try breathing with me?"
I pick him up, putting him on my knees so he has some space, but I'm still holding his shoulders.

"Alright how many deep breaths do you wanna take?" I ask.
"Five please.."
"Alright baby your doing amazing"
We take five deep breaths and he kinda calms down.
"Shhh" I say pulling him close to me.
I put his head on my chest and move my hand to his head.
"Come here bubs it's okay.."
"I love you dream" I say to him.
"Please don't go.." he whimpers, crying.
"Don't worry baby I won't"
"Please don't..I really need you.."
"Shh I promise I wont"
"Thank you.." he says quietly.

"How are you feeling?" I ask.
"I feel like I'm gonna throw up.."
"Do you know why you feel like that?"
"Shh baby your okay" I say.
"I don't know what to do.."
"Shh I'm here don't worry baby I'm here for you" I say.
I see that his breathing is back to normal but he's still crying.

"Hey it's okay don't worry"
"I love you baby" I say kissing his head.
"I see weird figures.."
"Shhh don't worry they aren't real it's just your imagination"
"I'm scared.."

"Shh don't be scared baby I'm here"
"Please stay with me" he says.
"I will I'm right here baby don't worry"
"Are you alright?" I ask.
"I feel like I'm gonna puke" he says trying to stand up. 
"Hey let's go to the bathroom okay? Maybe a shower will help" 
"Okay" he says.
I grab a hoodie for him and grab a tshirt.

I pick him up and take him to the bathroom.
We both take our clothes off and get inside.
"How are you feeling?" I ask.
"That's good!" I say putting my arms around his waist.
"What time is it"
"I think 5am"
"Mmm I'm tired"
"Same here baby but when we get out we can go to sleep"
We get out of the shower and get dressed.

"Come on let's go to bed okay?"
We both lay down and finally go to bed.

-in the morning-

~Dreams POV~

I wake up and see George on his phone.
"Goodmorning sleepyhead" he says.
"Morning" I say yawning.
"Did you sleep well?" He asks.

"Are you feeling better?"
"Still a bit sick but otherwise fine"
"Do you wanna get some lunch?"
"Can we get pizza?" I ask.
"Yeah sure" he says.

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