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tuesday 12/1/2020

I lay my head down on the desk letting out a tiring sigh. The weather outside is getting colder and colder every day. I hate it. I've never liked the cold, and most likely never will. I love the hot, warming sun or the nice, raining, fogging feeling outside. I love that, that weather, not the snow, icing feeling, no. I sit in the back to feel myself getting colder with the dark. I groan at the feeling, bringing my head up. I look around to see kids still walking into class before the bell rings. I see Ale walking with a big jacket and long pants. Good thing he is not one of those boys who wear shorts in 10-degree weather.

Ale comes up to me and takes the spot next to me. "Hey." I adjust myself in my seat looking at him. I felt some warmth bouncing off from him to me.

I want to snuggle up against him since I felt so cold, colder than usual. I felt weak, felt like I was going to die, my nose is all stuffed up, I just felt very cold. "Hey" I reply, but it came out as a rasp than how my usual voice will sound like. Ale's brows are pushed together meaning he is confused.

He grabs my hand and his eyes widen at my touch. "Casey, your burning up, your very hot." Alejandro takes my other hand to feel it. I sniff from the cold. Maybe I am sick mother.

My mother and I were fighting this morning. I told her I felt sick but, she didn't believe me, she thought I was lying so I wouldn't have to go to school. So I went to school liked she told me too and since Ale sayings I'm feeling hot but I feel so cold, I most likely have the flu.

"Cassandra, your sick, why are you here?" He pushes his face masks away so I can hear him correctly. I felt my eyes get heavy. I lean against Ale's touch since he's so warm.

"My mom told me I was lying about it since in the middle of the year I would lie about not feeling good but, now I'm sick I guess," I mumbled. Alejandro holds me by my waist while my head is leaned up to his chest, places one out of my two hands on his chest while the other is rested on his bicep.  "I want to go home." I cried. I close my eyes at this feeling. I felt myself get colder and colder by the second.

"You will let me text your mom, where's your phone?"  I felt my hands go numb, I couldn't feel them anymore. Ale had to let go of me while getting my phone. I told him my password long before so he should know it. I feel weaker than before already. This is not the flu.

"Ale, I feel cold,"  I say, while my eyes are closing up.

"Mrs. Brown, may Cassandra and I be excused, she's not feeling the best today and she wants me to help her get the nurse." The teacher nods her head and I felt myself getting lift up. I felt myself on my feet but, at the same time losing my balance little by little."Can you walk Cassandra?" I shake my head no or at least tried to.

I felt myself get picked up from the ground and the warmth coming back to me from Alejandro. The warmth I felt from him doesn't change my temperature on the inside. I felt it, but it doesn't affect me. I felt Alejandro walking to I'm guessing to the nurse for now till my mom get's me. I felt myself get colder by the second again. As I said, Alejandro's small warmth isn't affecting me. "Hi, Cassandra is sick and is weak, we think she has the flu. I already texted her mother telling her everything that happened. Can you check her quick?"

Everything that Ale said turns out to be a mumble. I couldn't make out his words but I put one and one and made my own sentences. My back touches a table that has some type of cushions around it so it wouldn't be so hard. My jacket gets unzipped, my shirt got lifted a bit to show my belly button only. Oh the cold in me is getting worse since now I'm out in the open with my stomach. I hear the two people mumble back and forward talking but I couldn't hear. My eyes have been shut and if I tried to open them, it would be too hard, plus, all I can see is a blur.

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