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omniscient pov
tuesday 11/24/2020

After the friends-giving Cassandra was invited to Mattia and herself have been arguing still. Even though they talked it out or at least tried somehow it becomes worse. Today's is Nikko party but Casey doesn't want to go anymore, she wants her head in the books.

"So what will you be wearing tonight." Alessya asks over the phone.

"Some shorts with a t-shirt." Cassandra says.

"Your lying. You are coming to this party and I don't care what you say." Alessya comments. Cassandra really doesn't want to go, she just want to stay.

"I'm not lying, why would I go when I won't be having a good time?" Cassandra wasn't wrong, everyone besides Alejandro since they just met him this year got drunk and she had to take care of them like if they were 5 years old. She doesn't want to go to the party if that's going to happen again for the one and half years.

" I rather stay home and study, go have fun, and if you ever want to leave the party make sure you go with someone you trust and don't ever get behind the wheel. Got it?" Cassandra points to her best friend.

"I know I won't mom, see you soon." They both laugh and Cassandra hangs up.

After she hangs up she makes sure there was no one in the house.

"Anyone here?" She shouts in her house. No response. She isn't lying when she says she is going to study but she wanted to do something first.

She goes to her closet and opens the door. She goes to the back of her closet where no one checks and brings out a box. She grabs the box and jumps on her bed crossing her legs. She opens the book to see her old vape, a medium size bag of cocaine, blunt, and a razor blade with a lighter.

'Wait— don't do it, it's been 2 years and 41 days, you don't want to waste that.'

'Just one hit? One smell?'

"Ok just one. What's the worse that can happen?" Cassandra says to herself. She already knows what's going to happen, knowing herself she won't stop and 2 years and 41 days also going to rehab are going to be a waste.

starting flashback...........

half way done...........

entering flashback............

"Hey Casey what— CASEY!" Wesley walks in her room to see what sweater was better for him but instead he see's her almost lifeless body on the floor of her bedroom.

"MOM! DAD! HELP!" as soon he said "HELP!" both parents ran up where they heard Wesley voice.

Her mother gasp and goes down to her knees next to her daughter.

"CASSANDRA, WAKE UP!" her mother jerk her body but nothing.

"CALL 911 DON'T JUST STAND THERE" the mother yelled at her husband and her son. "please wake up" her mother grabs her hand and brought it up to her lips while several tears where going down her face.

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