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saturday 11/28/2020 part 2

"What's the fourteenth amendment all about?" Alejandro asks to know if I finally get this part down and locked in. I think a little before I answer. The small talking around the cafe slowly gets quiet as I think.

"The fourteenth amendment is about everything can be separated but equal." I look at Alejandro straight at his eyes. He smiles while nodding his head. I smile big that I got social studies down. Social studies always gave me a hard time but now that I finally get it make me feel so relieved.

"Correct. God Casey why do you always dig your head in the books if your already so smart?" Alejandro says truthfully.

"Well, is it bad to always keep my head in the books?" I smile a little. I always like to play around with Alejandro. He knows it too that I will play around but I will get serious if I have to.

"N-no its not, its actually a good thing, my parents always wanted my heads in the books too. Just-- you already know everything at this point but you still study likes there's no tomorrow. Casey your taking college classes that somehow you still have straight A's or high B's and it still amazes me how rather study than anything you want to do." He leans in saying all of this. I only have good grades so I didn't became a disappointment again like I did a few years ago.

"You remember when I told you I went to rehab?" Ale nods softly giving me his full attention. "I don't want to disappoint my parents again. I wanted to show them that girl that went to rehab isn't the same girl today." I pointed to that table since I use my hands to talk most of the time.

"When I was in 8th grade I would stay in my room all the time. I was depressed but hate calling myself depressed because people will think I am over extracting it. I kinda cared what people thought about me back than but, now I don't." I take a bit of a pause and Alejandro is still all ears. "My parents thought I was getting lazy and that hurt even more because they never asked if I was okay or how am I mentally." I look up trying to not to cry. I hear some shuffling going on that I didn't pay close attention to. Before I know it Ale is hugging me.

"You are never disappointing your parents. They didn't ask you if you were okay. Not your fault." Ale rubs my back with I breathe him in. It's been helping a lot today I don't know why.

Ale grabs my thighs to make me to straddle him. I wrap my arms around him still breathing him in. A cell phone ding fills my ears. I feel Alex leaning forward a little to grab him phone. "It's Devenity." I roll my eyes at the name and got off his lap. With his hand that still on my thigh he hold it tight. "I know for sure you were not going to get up." He says looking at me through my eyes.

I blush at the little event. I hear him typing away and places his phone back down. I play with his curly hair. "We should get back to studying.That's the reason why we are here." I say.

"Alright." I turn around but Ale makes sure I'm still on his lap. He wraps his arms around my waist leaning on my shoulder. "Let's do math." I nod my head and take out everything I have for math.

"What time is it?" I bring out my text book with a pencil and placing them in front of me. Ale looks at my computer time to answer my question.

"1:30 pm" I nod my head at his response. Alejandro leans over a bit to grab his notes and closes his computer. Our table was messy, but a good messy. I still have my food from chick fil a aside from everything. It's not calling my name either.


"Feel good about the finals now?" I ask Ale. I already feel ready for the finals but it's never too bad to over prepare. Alejandro and I put our school stuff away in our backpack. There is less people in the cafe now and many different faces. I grab one of my bags straps and put it over my shoulder. I grab my face mask where was with my phone.

"Feel a lot better to be honest." Alejandro replies. Alejandro also puts one of his backpack straps around his shoulder. He also adjust his face mask because we don't want covid. "But I will forget most of this by tomorrow." We both chuckle at his response.

I grab the now cold food and walk out the door with everything I have either in my bag or hands. Alejandro follows right after me. We both walk to his car in silence's.

I get in the car putting my stuff in the back seat while Ale does the same. Alejandro starts the car. "Are you doing anything for the rest of the day?" he asks. Ale backs out the parking space and starts heading to my house I'm guessing. I don't have softball till next Monday. The wind from the AC in the car blows through my hair while I look through my window.

"Nope." I pop out the 'p'. I bring my hand up to my head and lean on my own palm.

'God Casey why you still have to be the disappointment you still are today.'

'Your not good in softball, that's why none of the colleges offer you a scholarship even though your in the varsity team.'

'That's why everyone leaves your life'

'Your such a fool'

After thousands of negative thoughts go through my mind I felt tears go down my checks. No sounds though . I wipe my tears softly so Alejandro won't notice. "I know you were crying Casey." I look at Alejandro seeing he is already looking at me but, going looking back and forward form the road and me.

"I wasn't, it just slip." I chuckle at the end to make it seem like it slip. It's true though, recently my tears randomly slip out of my eye without even trying. I look back at my window seeing the many trees, houses move past me.


I grab my phone my phone to see nothing. "Not me." I show my phone to him to show him the proof. Ale rolls his eyes and grab his phone from the cub holder and looks at his phone. He passes his phone to me. I get confused but still took his phone.

"Can you type in and say " I can't right now, I'm kinda busy." thank you." I repeat his words in my head so I wouldn't have to ask him again. I press the blue arrow button, sending the message to the person. I look up at the contact name and see its Devenity. I already feel heated from the name and look down to see what she said.

"Can you come over so we can hang for a bit?" I hear her own little, innocent voice in my head. I dislike her so much. She acts like a 'pick me girl'. I already know she's jealous of me because I hand out with Alejandro. I close his phone and set his phone back down.

Alejandro eye's follow my hand and looks up at me for a second before looking back to the road. "Did she say anything?"

I look out the window and shaking my head side to side. I notice he can't see me since he's driving so I decided to speak up. "No, didn't to even bother to look." I get quiet again. When I get home I'm going to take a nap, maybe more than one. I feel so tired, my stomach hurts a lot, my head hurts like crazy.

'Why am I feeling all of these things just now?' I thought. I close my eyes just for one second but, before I knew it, I fell dump into a deep sleep.

Don't worry part 3 will be up soon. Sorry I haven't been posting, I don't have a lot of motivation for this book. I will try to post more but for now you guys are getting that one every month update lol. Sorry for any mistakes, love every single one of you, make sure you eat and drink something. <33

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