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saturday 11/28/2020

"We can go to the starbucks that's down the street from us." Alejandro say's over the phone. I breathe in softly trying to sound like i wasn't crying the past day.

"Yeah that sounds like a plan, are you going to pick me up or do you want me to met you there?" I ask.

"I will pick you up. Don't worry. I will come by at 12 to get you, alright?" Alejandro conforms.

"Okay" my voice breaks.

'Dang it'

"Hey your okay?" Alejandro's voice got softer.

"Yeah, umm I tried to swallow my spit but I almost choke at the end." I chuckle softly so Ale doesn't know I've been crying. "See ya." I hang up the call before he say's anything else so I can let my tears fall.

The reason I'm crying is because Mattia broke up with me yesterday.

(guys finally happy they broke up? tried to find ways to break them up but this was the only why without really explaining it)

We failed as a partner in many ways. Mattia always compared himself to Alejandro and even though I try to convince him that Mattia was the only boy I lauded eyes on he still didn't believe me.

I look at my phone. 11:45 am. I guess I can get ready.

Yesterday all day I was in my room, crying, didn't eat or drink anything yesterday just stayed in my room.

I grab my towel and head to my shower. I wait till the water gets warm so I can go in. As I get up about to take my clothes off I hear a knock.

I open the door to see Alejandro. Why is he here?!

"Alejandro hey, what are you doing here?" I smile to him wiping my tears like if it was nothing. They basically are.

"I knew it, what happened Cassandra?" I felt like I'm in trouble with him when he said my real name instead of 'Casey' or other nicknames he call me. I cry harder.

"I'm sorry Alex." Alejandro hugs me and turns off my shower so I don't waste water. After he finishes he carries me with my legs wrapped around his waist. "I'm sorry" I repeat to him.

"Why are you sorry Cassandra?" Alejandro looks confused. He lays in my bed but I still clung on to him like a koala bear hanging on a tree.

"Your calling me 'Cassandra' not 'Casey' or 'princesses' meaning I did something wrong." Alejandro sighs rubbing my back.

"Did you take any drugs yesterday?" I shake my head 'no'. "Then I'm not mad at you or anything, what happened? why are you crying like this?"

He grabs my face with his two big hands and makes me look at him straight in the eyes. The more I look at him, the more I cry because he is seeing me from a point of view that I didn't want him to see.

"Casey it hurts so much to see you like this. Please tell me what's going on. You don't know how much this hurts me, seeing you crying your eyes out. Please tell me" He says softly. Oh no he looks like he is about to cry.

I try to take a deep breathe but I keep hiccuping back to crying. "Shhhhh" Alejandro brushes my hair with his hand while I place my head to his neck breathing him in. This is helping me by a lot already.

"M-matt-tia-a and I- i bro-ke u-ppp" I finally said. I cry again a bit harder but I try like i did before and breathe him in. When I breathe him in I felt much more relaxed.

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