A Ginormous Sea Snake

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Disclaimer: I don't own anything

A Ginormous Sea Snake

Perseus POV

The first thing I and my wife saw was a sea-green wall, well it wasn't a wall but rather a gigantic tail that slapped the two deities with absurd force through the water. We 'flew' backward with the water eventually managing to slow us down to not such impossible speeds. Now that my vision finally wasn't impaired by a ginormous tail I could get a sense of what was happening. My brother looked to be livid at the giant sea snake trashing his new home, he also each time he saw debris from his house float past him gain a lamenting gaze.

The huge sea snake noticed the reinforcements and immediately swam away at unbelievable speeds to the west. Poseidon didn't like this and began to immediately chase the monster but I stopped the hothead with an arm holding him back from chasing after the monster who would probably lead him into an ambush or something like that. "What are you doing?" Poseidon managed to ground out looking like a mad bull by his rapidly breathing nose which looked like it had smoke rising out of it.

"Brother, we cannot be so stupid as to follow the monster into unknown waters! It's just the epitome of stupidity. We can all sense it so we can just wait for it to get into a more favorable position, we will get it for this!" I played to my brother's apparent fondness for his new house with a sweeping hand over the surrounding area of floating walls and other debris. Poseidon reluctantly nodded and swam away grumbling while looking sadly at his destroyed house.

Aphrodite came up to my side looking around with no apparent reaction to the destruction. "Did you know that I lived the first millennia of my life down here? Well not here but in the sea." She suddenly said with apathy, I raised an eyebrow at that. "Ohh yes, I was born from the sea foam of my father's testicles hitting the sea after they were cut off by your father many millennia ago" I didn't react to the... unique birth of my wife and focused upon the information that my father had either killed or just castrated her father.

"Two questions, first how did you know how you were born if you weren't born already? And your father wouldn't happen to be Ouranos, would it?" Aphrodite looked a little guilty at the last question/statement "Well some sea nymphs found me right after I was born and they helped me, they were more specifically the Nereids the daughters of Nereus the old man of the sea. And yes my father is Ouranos" Aphrodite hung her head like this was a great sin and I thought it was quite inconsiderate considering my unfortunate parentage.

"Ouranos? You think Ouranos is a bad father?" Aphrodite's eyes widened at his interpretation and quickly replied "No no, I didn't mean it like that! It's just that... well at least you can see and interact with your father, while I have a nonexistent parent and no mother" My wife finished quite sadly and I felt it tug at my few heartstrings. I pulled her into a hug which was purely reassuring her that I was understanding her also very complicated parentage.

"It would seem that both of our parentages are quite messed up" I eventually said to make some humor out of our shared predicaments. Aphrodite didn't seem to mind the bad attempt to lighten their shared situation and chuckled a little. "How come that you remember what happened right after your birth? Because while you could have been told about it, I feel like you were there personally, am I right?" This question had been bugging me since she informed me of her birth. "Yes you are correct, I was born like Athena fully grown for some reason. The fates truly work in strange ways" Aphrodite finished sounding like she was talking to herself at the end.

"I have found that just going with the flow when regarding anything even remotely connected to the fates, is the best course of action. You should try it" I eventually said. The love goddess chuckled a little more at her husband's nonchalant attitude towards some of the most powerful beings in the whole universe. "I will try" Aphrodite eventually answered. She was about to continue before she was interrupted by her brother-in-law/nephew who shouted out suddenly "Where did it go?".

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