Loser Like Me

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Once Blaine ordered his and Lexi's coffee, he stood by the side of the counter, waiting for his name to be called. Just as he was picking up their orders, Lexi walked into the place. When she saw Blaine, she smiled, as he waved at her, both of them rushing up to each other.

"Hey you." Lexi smiled, pulling him into a hug, a much needed hug.

"Hey." He smiled in return, reciprocating the hug. "You cut your hair!" He exclaimed.

"I did!" Lexi chuckled. "It was time for a little change." She added, as Blaine admired it, before noticing that her fashion style had changed a little as well. She wore a blazer pantsuit, having come from teaching, and successfully avoiding Sam for the second day in a row.

"And you still took my advice." She said, gesturing to his hair, causing him to laugh.

"Yeah, I did. You better enjoy our hangout today, because the hair gel is making it's gloriously awaited comeback tomorrow."

"Oh really?" Lexi asked, as they sat down across from each other.

"Really." He nodded, as she laughed. For someone who'd endured so much adversity, he couldn't comprehend how she could smile, despite her struggle, and help others, when she was in dire need of help herself. That was Lexi Torres. She did things without expecting anything in return.

"So, how have you been holding up? You know, since the breakup, and everything else?" Blaine asked, after a few moments.

At the question, Lexi sighed. She occasionally hated talking about the difficult events. She'd get all emotional, but hey, you weren't supposed to suppress emotions, right?

"Well, after Finn and my mom's passing, I've slowly been healing from all the grief...I have some of my mom's stuff in my basement that has gone untouched. I have photos of Finn and I hanging in my office at home, and at my office at McKinley. His drumsticks are enclosed in a display photo in my family room at my house. So, I've slowly been unpacking their stuff, and facing the fact that they're really gone." Lexi said, pausing to collect herself, before she talked about the next topic.

"After Sam and I broke up, I spent countless hours, and days trying to be mad at him. You know, he'd always give me a bag so I could use it if I ever had trash. And by that gesture, I felt loved...but when he broke up with me, I was thrown in the trash." Lexi said, her voice cracking, while her eyes filled with tears, as Blaine watched with soft eyes. "I was so mad at him for not taking a chance at long distance, I was so hurt, but I finally learned that he was the reason I got up everyday. And after we broke up, I've gotten out of bed everyday, I've climbed out of that trash bag." She said, as Blaine nodded, with a chuckle. "He was the reason I believed in love. He ensured I felt worthy of love. And although, it's over, at least for now,  all that, is mine to keep. " She smiled sadly. "You know, I was always positive that we would get married, and we'd have kids...we talked about it all the time, especially before our break up. You know, he was my first love. I still love him, and I believe you will always love your first love. However, I'm grateful for you, and all our friends who've helped me through this rough patch."

Blaine smiled at the mention of their friends. It brought him back to the days in New York. He missed those days, if he was being honest.

"However, I did date for two months." Lexi added, as Blaine choked on his drink. "Dude, calm down." She smiled, rubbing his back, as he calmed down.

"You dated? Who?"

"Uh, a guy from NYU. He was a year older than me, he has blonde hair, and green eyes. We clicked right away, just like I did with Sam. We broke up three weeks ago. I know he liked me, but I wasn't feeling it, and he understood that I still haven't moved on from Sam." Lexi shrugged. "It was a mutual break up. Although we are still friends. And now, I'm totally fine, and don't have any rebounds, because that's not the type of person I am." She assured him.

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