*knocking & opening of door*

"Hi Rebecca & Daniel. It's good to see you two, so who's this?" The female nurse, who's name is Alison, A new worker, who you have never met or seen before.
"Miss, this is the patient, I believe she said her name was Amy but I could be wrong but the other person is Adam. They're married." Rebecca says. "Well congrats you two on that! What's going on today?" Alison asks. "Nurse, she's now 5 months pregnant & she can hardly walk & barely even hold her own weight." Daniel says. "Ok, thank you Daniel, can you check her pulse & her temperature. Also go on ahead & get the stuff for the ultrasound. Ill be right back, I'm going to get the doctor." Alison says as she leaves the room & the paramedics check all your vitals & everything & then get the ultrasound ready.

Once they finished, & everything was ready Alison returned back into the room with the doctor behind her.

"Hello, my name is Doctor Daisy, so... Your 5 months pregnant, I can clearly tell by looking at you & Alison here, told me you couldn't walk nor hold your own weight?" "Or my babys weight." You say. "Ok, well I'm gonna do an ultrasound on you. You may get a little twitchy once I apply the cream because it feels cold once it touches skin so if you could not get super twitchy on me when I apply it ok?" Doctor Daisy asks as you nod & Daisy goes on ahead & grabs the cream & applies it onto your halfway grown baby bump.

Once the cream is applied you bit your lip & then relaxed once you felt comfortable with it on you.
"Alright, let's see how your baby girl is doing." Doctor Daisy says as she moves the scanner across your body & continues to move it as she looks at the baby.

As she does it Adam walks over to the doctor & looks at the baby.
"Oh my god... She's beautiful." Adam whispers. "She sure is. You can see her little feet & hands. Your gonna be a good father, Adam." Doctor Daisy says. "Thanks doc. So, what are we gonna do with my wife? Are we keeping her here for the night or are we sending her back home with me?" Adam asks. "It's not up to me... It's up to you on what you wanna do. So, what's it gonna be?" Doctor Daisy asks as she removes the scanner off of your belly. "Babe? What do you think?" Adam asks you. "I think it's best to stay here just for a couple hours in case something happens. After awhile of being here I'll see if I'm ready to go back home." You say. "Sounds good, I'll leave you two alone for now. Oh, before I leave did you want me to print out the picture of your baby?" The doctor asks as you nod & then she nods, prints it off on the computer, & then goes to grab it from the printer across the hall.

"You made the right decision." Adam says as you look at him beside you. "Are you sure?" You ask. "I'm sure." Adam says as you smile but your smile quickly goes away when the contractions return. "Aahhh! Oh shit..." You say as Adam eyes widen & then he does the best thing he can do... Call for the doctor.
Who returned as quick as she could once she heard you in pain. "What's going on?!" Adam asks the doctor. "It's her contractions. & their worsening." The doctor says. "Is their anything I can do?" Adam asks. "I'm afraid not. It doesn't look to be a long contraction but if one happens again I'll just stay in here for now to see how long each one is apart. When did the first one start?" Daisy asks. "When we were at home & I called the ambulance." Adam says. "Ok, thank you for letting me know about that, I appreciate it." Daisy replies as Adam nods & watches you as you calm down. "Babe, are you ok?" Adam asks you. "I'm fine, but I'm hurting a lot." You say as Doctor Daisy walks over to your bedside. "Your going to be hurting a lot. Contractions are the best but it's a part of being pregnant & close to giving birth. Speaking of which you have about 4 to 3 months to go until your due date. But it is possible you can give birth earlier or later. Just be aware. Adam, you too." Daisy says as you both nod.
"I'll take care of her... As I have been over these past months." Adam says as Daisy smiles. "Well, I did get that picture of the baby printed off & her she is." Doctor Daisy says as she hands you the picture of the ultrasound.

"Oh my god. She's so tiny! Where's her little legs she keeps kicking me with?" You ask as Adam chuckles & points to them as you hold the picture in your hand. "She's so sweet. I can't wait to see her... Here with me. Outside of my stomach & out in the real world... Though, I'm not ready to give birth. I've read up on how painful it is & I have looked at people's comments from birth & delivery videos & they said it felt like a needle going through your lower area." You say. "Alright, here's the truth... Yes, birth & delivery is painful & it hurts a lot which is why most people that we see here that come in pregnant they ask for the surgery to be done so they don't have to push & hurt as much. But you would still be hurting from the surgery of course. & you can decide which you wanna do but to save us the extra work we would like it if you pushed. But again, it's not up to me it's up to you... Alright, well it looks like your doing ok for now. I'm gonna go on ahead & leave but I'll leave the room door open just in case if you need to call for help. Bye guys." Doctor Daisy says as Adam waves bye to her as she leaves the room.

After a couple hours pass & your contractions aren't the worst you ask Adam, "Hey Adam, because I'm doing better do we think we can go?" "It's up to you. Do you feel like your ready to go back home?" Adam asks as you nod. "Okay, I'll go let the people at the front desk know were leaving & then we can go. Can you get up & walk yourself?" Adam asks as you get up off of the bed & walk slowly to Adam.
"I'll think I'll be fine walking for now." You say. "Ok, you can go on ahead & head outside. The car isn't unlocked so here, take my keys." Adam says as he throws you the keys & then you & him walk out of the room, Adam goes to the front desk while you go outside & unlock the car & get in turning on the air conditioning once you get it.

When Adam walks outside & gets in the car & starts the car & backs out of the parking lot you give Adam a kiss on the cheek & then watch him drive back home.
When you arrived back at home it was an hour past lunch so Adam & you had whatever it was that was at the house & chewed on that & then you walked upstairs to go to your room while Adam finished what he was having & walked over to the couch to sit down & relax doing nothing but thinking.

Once you entered your room you grabbed your old school backpack from high school & unzipped the middle zip on the bag & found all your old stuff, such as homework, drawings, & pictures that you put on the inside of your locker that you had to take down on the last day.
You pulled all the pictures out from a red folder & looked at the picture of you when it was your last day & you were taking pictures of yourself & your classmates. One classmate you saw reminded you of your sister.

This classmates name was Annabelle & she was your trusty friend until your sophomore year in college when you two stopped being friends & moved away from each other.
The next picture was of you & another boy. But it wasn't Josh nor Adam.

This classmate's name was Brian & he had perfect blue eyes with perfect blonde hair. You both met each other on the last day & you don't know what happened next with you & him.
The next picture was a picture of you & Brian again but you guys were kissing. Turns out that you had a high school & maybe even college crush if he went to the same college as you & the next picture you found out that yes, he did go to college with you.

The last picture you looked at was a picture of you in your college bedroom with your partner taking a picture of yourself in the door room mirror & seeing that you were pregnant. That really surprised you. It's either means Brian got you pregnant & you had a baby you didn't know about or you had a miscarriage. You just thought it was a miscarriage & soon found out you did loose the baby by looking at a picture of you in tears holding the ultrasound that showed the baby.

Before going to take a nap you grabbed your phone & saw that the prison was calling you.
You answered the call to hear Officer Diamond saying, "Hello this is Officer Diamond of the New York police department I am calling to say that Josh got bailed out by a friend of his & now is on house arrest until the end of next month. Call me back if you have any concerns." Officer Diamond says & then she hangs up.

You couldn't believe Josh got bailed out. But who bailed him out if it wasn't you?

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