As the song came to an end, the trio finished by the piano. As they stood in their poses, everyone clapped for them.

"You guys, that was amazing." Mr. Schue praised. "But, um, I'm not sure it's right for Nationals."

"Yes, cause Unique will not be standing in the back swaying while you guys go all three-yonce in the spotlight." Unique agreed.

"Why does everything you say sound like that?" Kitty asked, furrowing her eyebrows, while she turned to look at her.

"We know it's not right for Nationals." Lexi spoke up, as Sam and Blaine nodded in agreement. "We wanted to do this number for fun."

"Yeah, we were actuallying talking and we realized that we'd never actually done a number together. Well, here in Glee Club." Blaine added, allowing Lexi to lay her head against his shoulder, while she also held onto Sam's hand.

"No, and as seniors, we realized we were running out of time, and we wanted to feel the power of a trio." Sam explained.

"Which I learned in my senior math class, is about 25% less powerful than a quartet." Artie pointed out, rather proud of himself.

"Which is definitely less powerful than a quintet." Tina added.

"Well, now you know how it feels to be humiliated and hurt!" Lexi spat at her, still very upset with what happened at prom.

"Well, I'm really glad you guys did that." Mr. Schue said, causing the trio to smile. "You probably don't realize this, but these are friendships that you're gonna cherish for the rest of your lives. And you've got to squeeze in as many experiences as you can because, for you seniors, you're all gonna be going your separate ways soon."

"Oh crap..." Lexi muttered, as tears began to fill her eyes.

"Oh, Lex..." Blaine shook his head.

"Baby come here." Sam whispered, pulling her into his arms, while Blaine joined the hug shortly after. The three of them realized that graduation was sooner than they thought. It was right around the corner.
The next day, Lexi, Sam, and Blaine reunited in a classroom so they could try on their graduation gowns. As soon as they put them on, the thought that they were graduating in a few weeks struck them. It felt like a bolt of lighting had struck.

"All right." Blaine said as they walked into the classroom. "We have to try them on to see if they fit."

"Small, medium, large, it's not that complicated, okay? I'm sure they all fit." Sam shrugged.

"Well, we should just try them on to see what they look like." Blaine said, as Lexi hummed in agreement.

After the three of them got their gowns on, they stared at each other, allowing the realization to hit them.

"Holy shit." Lexi muttered, in a state of realization.

"I can't believe this is actually happening." Blaine said in disbelief, as he watched Sam and Lexi helping each other with their caps.

"I know..." Lexi sniffled, as both boys turned to look at her.

"Lex?" They both chorused in unison.

"I wasn't crying..." She lied. "It was just allergies, they're really flaring up this week."

"Come here." Sam said, wrapping her in his arms again.

"I don't think I'll ever be ready to say goodbye." She admitted.

"The three of us are going to New York, so we won't be apart in separate countries." Blaine assured her.

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