14. Removing P from P-rick

Start from the beginning

" why she wants to come here, and is that ice cream poisoned" oh god why people are so suspicious bout me

"I think she likes you R" again zack being zack always talking ahead of time.

" don't you think you need self quirentine from your crappy mind zack"Anny shut his mouth .

"what I said it does makes sense "

"yeah, it does in the world called stupid" we remaining 3 hooted with annys comeback.

instantly zack glared at the pricky guy in a way like I'm saving your ass here boy'

"Enough, there are some ground rules for you Dickson....when you step in there you need to take care of your language and call me by my name cause inside I don't want my little sisters to be around any toxic people"

" ohh are your sisters beautiful".....prick guy looked at me like he shouldn't have mentioned that he has sisters

"they are very adorable" mike replied with cooed eyes and glare from prick guy and zack

"then no prob, I love kids"

" wait they are ugly" prick guy blurts out

" yeah totally ugly, it's better to not see them, " zack said

" zack you think I'm ugly "

A little, soft voice from the house trail out I looked back but there was no one...later it shifted to the ground and I giggled looking at her by gaining her attention through her glassy eyes


"ora !"

she ran to me and hugged me tightly.

"What!" everyone blurted out with full of shock ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ INSIDE THE HOUSE

"Eve! stop clinging over her"

Rick said to eve, more like he was requesting her. But she shifted on my lap and hugged me with both hands aww she is so cute.

" Go a-away R-R-Ricky!" she replied to him and started playing with my clothes

" ugh! tell me how you met my sister and since when" he asked out of jealousy,

"I don't know exactly how and where we met but I guess it was in the swimming pool "

They all perked up their ears in my direction.

"And!" zack asked to continue to know further

"And thats how we met"

" NO ora you a-are wong[*wrong*]" Eve exclaimed while pulling her face out of my neck and looked at my face with little disappointment.

"we met in po-lice st-a-tion!" oh no this is not good, because everyone stare is killing me

" bloody hell! you took my little sister to the police station"

"I won't even feel shocked when I'll discover that she's a part of smuggler gang" dont make it worse zack

" Oh my god !... darling! eve! come to you brother we need to do home work" rick tried to convince her to take her away from me, as I was some kinda monster or something

"R-RICKY stop be-ing a chil-d ! it was a school trip" was it!

Rick- a trip to the police station .....why, the parks, museums or crescent are being caught up in a fire or your teacher is psycho

Mike - that's it! this ptm I'm coming as your guardian

Zack - rick lets change the school

wow, this girl is indeed living the princess life with three armors around her

"ora I'm sovvy that y-you have to see this ....they are wei-rd but good by loo-ks" Eve said with an embarrassing tone which made Anny and i both laughed out so loud.

"Even kids are embarrassing of you adults " Anny can't lose her chance to tease

"Aey, shut up !" Eve grasped my collar tightly while shutting Anny down....

ANNY- I was helping you, but I forgot that you are mean .

EVE-(GASPING) Eve is not mean, she just doesn't like Anny.

ANNY- ohh, same goes for ANNY, she doesn't like eve.

EVE- Now I know, the psycho girl they were talking about is you, right ZACK

Everybody was so into their fight that when zack name came up, our eyes were already set upon his figure ....which really took him by surprise

Zack- NOOOOOOOO........NOT AT ALL! I was talking bout the dic-

Rick & Mike- Ahm! (no dick word in front of kids )

Zack- LORA!!.....YEAH, I was talking bout her.

he was trying to convince us, especially to Anny.... but dude! I'm not psycho.

ANNY &EVE - She's not psycho!

aww, my girls !!(dramatic tears coming out of my eyes)but I soon snapped out of my zone when ANNY AND EVE both got in glaring zone come on girls you are better than that.

Rick- don't want to hurt anybody's feelings...but Anny, Eve is a kid and you are an adult so please calm down.

ZACK- R I never knew that eve was such a short temper lady.


MIKE - Oh my goodness, my girl is growing so fast.

I giggled looking at Mike, at the same time eve looked at me and she giggled too .mike joined us then Anny then zack, and at last rick. we all started laughing and we laughed so hard that we were already on the floor.

without even realizing rick and I' were both at each other side, it's not that we sat side by side for the first time we already sat in the canteen, but this time it's different, might be because he is looking at me with smiling face or might be it's me who found out he is rich that's why I'm trying to find his positive trait in him.

after some time we all stopped laughing

MIKE- guys don't you think that all that ANNY and EVE argument was cute

Everyone -shut up!!! we again burst into a laugh .....if this is called group studying then I'm fucking loving this.

eve went to Mike's arm and zack and Anny were just smiling .....I was laughing too my eyes grew wide when they land on a


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