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a/n: okay i know that reading author notes are lame but like- i just wanna know if i should make his have a multi-ending. If i were to, I'd have it so there'd be an angst ending & then a fluffy/happy ending yk? Idk where tf this story is going, but I'd love to hear your opinion! Also, this is chapter is switching back to iwaizumi's pov. Love, Leah 💖


Eruptions of whines are heard from the house next door. The sun isn't up yet, so who could possibly be up at this hour? It can't be my father, he's never home in the morning. It also can't be my mother, because she isn't allowed outside or upstairs. So where is this noise coming from? I thrust my body weight forward, and sit straight up on my bed. After a good five minutes of rubbing my eyes, and adjusting to the darkness of my room, I reach over to flick the light switch. Then I sleepily make my way towards to the window, and lift up the blinds. I freeze in horror. Is it really who I think it is?


Yes, it is who I think it is.

"So let me get this straight. You've decided to take on the life of a human, and enroll at my university?" I inquire.

Beaming with energy, the demon nods excitedly. His eyes lighting up with optimism, which I point out to be disgusting. My remark didn't sit well with him. Suddenly, he pouts dramatically and slams his window shut. He doesn't close the blinds, probably in attempt to make me feel regret, which I don't. But hey, I might as well try to get close to the demon, so I can eradicate him as soon as possible. In response to his bratty behavior, I play along, and give him what he wants: attention. I clench my fist, and bang it against the window a few times, alarming Oikawa. He frantically opens the window, trying, but failing to hide his longing gaze. His expression shocks me, and I can feel something shifting inside me. What is this feeling? I don't feel guilty, but I don't feel prideful. I mutter out my thoughts, immediately causing my rival's face to totally flush, which I found hysterical. After letting out a genuine laugh, I shake off my previous emotions. Oikawa, however is still tense. His gaze deepens, and just by the look of it, I can tell he's deep in thought. What is he thinking about? I wonder. There's no way to really know.

"Oi, Oikawa. Stop staring, creep." I sass, folding my arms in annoyance.

Embarrassed from the confrontation, Oikawa's cheeks flush yet again, and he is quick to deny that he wasn't in fact staring.

"You know, we should be getting ready for school. It starts soon." Oikawa points out, a cocky tone escaping his lips.

In response to his shitty observation, anger and annoyance stir in my nerves. How trashy can this creature get? Seriously. Oikawa's smirk fades with disappointment as I shut my blinds. What a pervert. After securing my privacy, I begin to remove my shirt, and the other remaining articles of clothing on my body. The hairs on my neck stand up, and I can feel an overwhelming presence from behind me. It's him. I know it is. The pervert strikes again. What a pain. Practically drooling, the creature behind me unleashes his perverted intentions, and grabs my waist with his hands. Startled from the sudden sensation of touch, I try my best to release myself from his grasp. Damn it how the hell am I supposed to escape?! I think to myself. I eventually free myself from the overwhelming embrace, and I shove the satisfied demon out of my room.

I demand that he covers his half-naked self, and that he waits for me outside. I suppose we're walking to school together. That's good, I'll be able to keep an eye on him. God I hope no one think's were friends. I think to myself I would never be in any kind of relationship with him. Not in this life, and not in any. Shaking off his perverted intentions, I shift my focus back to getting ready for the day ahead. After completing my daily routine, I step outside my room, and I am greeted by a surprisingly good-looking Oikawa. His horns are gone, his obnoxious persona has faded too. Is this a completely different person? Well then again, he's not a person. But still, It's like he's completely changed. Scary.

"Ready to go?" Oikawa asks, smiling enticingly.

His alluring scent, smile, and looks completely distract me from reality. For some reason, I feel drawn to him. Like there's something connecting us. Something stupid, like fate. But for a moment, he's more than just a nuisance or a rival. As if in a trance, I begin to observe him and his perfectly carved jawline, perfectly smooth, soft hair, and his other oddly-perfect features. My gaze deepens as it fixates at his lips. Those perfect, enticing lips.. After totally letting my guard down, I finally snap back to reality. What the hell was I thinking?! Oh god. He's staring.

"Just laugh already. I know you want to." I sigh, breaking eye contact.

An angelic chuckle escapes Oikawa's lips, drawing back my attention immediately. His smile is so contagious. It's so beautiful, and attractive. Shit. What the fuck am I thinking? I coldly punch the demon, and make my way downstairs. I say my goodbyes to my dear mother, and step outside to begin my journey of university with Oikawa. Until I embarrassingly collapse, in front of him, from exhaustion.

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