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"Hey Oikawa-San! I think we found him!" A grey-haired demon yelled out to his comrade.

Oikawa quickly flew over to where his co-worker was. He rested his elbows on the outside windowsill, and let his lower half float behind him as if he were laying down. His gaze deepened as he stared at Iwaizumi. He knew he had heard the name Hajime before, which was almost impossible based on the fact that he had never met a human being. He watched as Iwaizumi entered the bathroom, forgetting to close the door. This only caused Oikawa's interest to increase as he observed the raging boy."Good work, Sugawara!" Oikawa beamed.

The sudden praise caused the grey-haired demon to smile sweetly, slight blush forming on his cheeks. Sugawara quickly caught on that Oikawa was pretty much drooling over Iwaizumi. Which he found very unsettling because it is prohibited to have any romantic feelings for humans."Oikawa-San! Stop drooling! Thats unprofessional!" Sugawara snapped."Just give me a little while longerrrr! And how can I stop when he has those dreeaaaammy biceps?!" Oikawa moaned. Sugawara did agree that Iwaizumi's muscles were pretty hot.. but it's still wrong to have those kind of feelings for a human. "Fine. I'll leave you to it. Good luck, you need it." Sugawara sighed.

The grey-haired demon then disappeared as quickly as he appeared, leaving Oikawa alone outside. Iwaizumi then finished showering, and dried off. He walked out of the bathroom with a towel on his waist, totally exposing his toned abs and muscular upper-body. Iwaizumi got dressed, then rested on his bed. This gave Oikawa the opportunity to jump in, prepared to kill Iwaizumi at any moment. Iwaizumi spotted the demon, and froze in fear. His mouth opened like he was going to scream. Oikawa quickly dashed over and covered Iwaizumi's mouth.

"Shh!!!" Oikawa whispered.

Oikawa completely forgot to make his horns and other demon features disappear, he possessed that ability, altogether making him a difficult demon to detect. Iwaizumi pushed the his hand away, and tried to swiftly grab a knife under his pillow. Oikawa saw through his lame attempt, and grabbed Iwaizumi's wrist. "You just don't know when to stop, do you?" Oikawa smirked. This only made Iwaizumi even more aggravated than he was before. He knew that every demon he came across went under difficult training, therefore they'd always be a tough opponent, but he didn't expect him to be that hard to weaken. Oikawa gazed at Iwaizumi. Noticing every facial feature up close, and taking in his delicious scent with every breath. His lips formed a smile, as he continued to space out and stare longingly at Iwaizumi. The boy found this very unsettling, and his face formed confused expression. "U-Uhhh.." Iwaizumi muttered. "Oops!! I guess I was staring again! Damn it this is so unfair!! Out of all the humans in the world why.. WHY was I assigned to eradicate such a good-looking one?!" Oikawa groaned. "Uhm.. thank.. you? Anyways- who even are you?" Iwaizumi asked. "Oops! I forgot to introduce myself! I'm Tooru Oikawa! Buuuut I'm most commonly known as just Oikawa." Oikawa responded proudly, beaming with cocky confidence. Iwaizumi then connected the dots. He was ordered, by his father, to kill the demon before him. And Oikawa was ordered to kill Iwaizumi. "Ya know what..? I think I'm going to take my time in killing you. It'll be more fun like that anyways!~" Oikawa smiled.

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