{Help - Sung by Blaine Anderson, Sam Evans, with the New Directions}---------During the next Glee meeting, Mr

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{Help - Sung by Blaine Anderson, Sam Evans, with the New Directions}
During the next Glee meeting, Mr. Schue smiled as he walked into the room. "We have had a incredible week so far, but before we continue, I think Sam has something he'd like to perform, right?"

"Right." Sam nodded, from where he sat by Lexi.

"The floor is all yours." The teacher said, as Sam smiled at Lexi, before he walked to the front, motioning for the rest of the New Direction boys to join him.

"What's going on?" Lexi asked, a smile creeping onto her face.

"Just listen." Sam sent her another smile, as he signaled the band, who began playing one of Lexi's favorite Beatles songs.

When I'm walking beside her
People tell me I'm lucky
Yes, I know I'm a lucky guy
I remember the first time
I was lonely without her
Can't stop thinking about her now
Every little thing she does
She does for me, yeah
And you know the things she does
She does for me, ooh
When I'm with her I'm happy
Just to know that she loves me
Yes, I know that she loves me now
There is one thing I'm sure of
I will love her forever

Lexi squealed, when Sam pulled her up into his arms. She smiled, as they danced around the room, while the rest of the boys sang, and the girls cheered, and jammed to the song. Sam spun her, before she twirled back into his arms, smiling up at him, while he sang down to her.

For I know love will never die
Every little thing she does
She does for me, yeah
And you know the things she does
She does for me, ooh
Every little thing she does
She does for me, yeah
And you know the things she does
She does for me, ooh
Every little thing
Every little thing
Every little

By the time they were done, Lexi had gone back to her seat. She clapped and cheered the loudest out of the group.

"Lexi Torres." Sam said, once the noise had died down. He pulled her onto her feet, and gently grabbed onto her hands before kneeling in front of her. "Will you be my date to the senior prom?"

"Yes, Sam Evans, I'd be honored to." She smiled softly, as he stood up again.

"I love you." He whispered, leaning down to capture her lips in his, bringing her closer to him, while she wrapped her arms around his neck.

"I love you too." Lexi replied, once they had pulled away. She rested her forehead against his, as the whole group admired the couple.

"You see guys, Lexi and Sam are the definition of true love, and a healthy relationship." Tina pointed out, as the couple turned to look at her with frowns on their faces.

"Oh, God, no." Artie shook his head, knowing what his friend was about to do.

"Look, I'm sorry, Artie, but this is for your own good." Tina apologized, before moving to the middle of the room. "Everyone, Kitty, and Artie are dating, but Kitty's making Artie hide it because she's embarrassed by him, and I think that's emotional abuse. Artie is a great guy, and he deserves to be loved openly and proudly and without conditions."

Kitty spoke up, before the group could say anything. "For once we agree." She said. "It's true. Arthur and I are dating."

"We are?" Artie asked shocked, as his new girlfriend sent him a smile. "Officially?"

"And for the record...And not that it's anyone's business, especially not yours, Tina Cohen-agitator...I did want to keep it hush-hush." Kitty added.

"Because you were ashamed." Tina accused, as Kitty rolled her eyes, before standing up.

"Yes, memoirs of a lame geisha, because I occupy a certain place in the McKinley hierarchy, and you all occupy a different, lesser place in that hierarchy, and before exploding said hierarchy by jumping up and down on Oprah's couch, declaring my undying love for someone who is, let's face it, not my usual body type... I wanted to be sure."

"Of what?" Tina queried.

"That I really, really like him." Kitty confessed, as she kneeled in front of Artie, so they were eye-level. "And that I would be willing to risk not just my social standing but also getting hurt by letting him wheel into my heart. And even though I know he's getting ready to graduate, and we're probably just as doomed as every other sad, broken, backwards relationship that's ever started in this Jesus-and love-forsaken choir room..."

"Kurt and I will have a happy ending." Blaine interjected, as Lexi nudged him.

"But I do like you, Artie." Kitty continued with a smile. "You make me laugh, and not just with those stupid YouTube fail videos you're always showing me. Look, asking you to keep our stuff private wasn't cool, and I'm sorry."

"It's okay, Kitty." Artie replied with a genuine smile. "But, hum, as far as, like, updating my Facebook status..."

"Yes." Kitty laughed, as he grinned. "We are officially, publicly, shockingly a thing."

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