Chapter 2: Island of Steel

Start from the beginning

"What kind of ship is this...?" the lieutenant asked, a combination of fear and wonder written over his face.

"It is no ship. Such a construction that makes those other giant vessels look like ants... It is more like an island of steel!" Vansen exclaimed. "Still, we have a job to do. Men, ready your gear! We shall prepare to investigate the vessel!"

"Sir, how do we even board it?" the lieutenant asked.

Vansen looked around the ship. The steel island seemed to be lowering a large section of itself, with people on it waving, motioning for them to come over. Vansen pointed at it, saying, "I believe we should head that way. We can board using their magical platform."

Vansen's ship approached the platform and he led his lieutenant and several guards onto it. He inspected the men on the platform, who wore no armor, instead wearing a strange conglomeration of blue and a black vest in front of it. As Vansen thought about it, he realized that the strange blue uniforms could be a useful camouflage on the ocean, but did not understand why anyone would need to camouflage themselves on the water. Additionally, these strange humans held some sort of black musket, angling them to the side as they stood like statues, still and silent.

Past the platform was a cavernous hangar, with winged objects and magical lighting inside. Several crates were stacked along the walls, giving Vansen the impression that this area must be for storage. Is this a cargo ship? The platform ascended slowly, releasing a metallic groan as it operated. When it reached the top of the deck, Vansen stared at the various winged objects organized near the edges. As he analyzed the deck, he whispered to his men. "By the Heavens, the top of this vessel is so large that it might even be able to host a jousting match!"

His men nodded in agreement, muttering their own astonished remarks.

Similar to the other metal ships, this one had a large tower with windows and skinny metal spires. From this tower, a man dressed in white emerged, emanating an aura of authority. He was accompanied by several men holding black muskets and a man dressed in dark blue, adorning a fashionable pin on his outfit. Vansen noticed that the pin resembled the flag that flew by the tower — one that he didn't recognize. The flag was interesting: a neat arrangement of stars upon a blue background in the top left corner, with white and red stripes elsewhere. He looked back down to the approaching men.

"Men, remain on standby and present yourselves as honorable servicemen of Qua Toyne!" Vansen ordered.

Vansen walked forward, giving him a Qua Toynian salute. "Greetings, I am Captain Vansen of the Qua Toyne Navy Second Fleet. You have entered our territorial waters and we would like to know of your vessel's affiliation and objective."

The man in dark blue sighed, "Oh whew, good to know we speak the same language. I'm Ambassador Samuel Anders," he walked up to shake the man's hand, "and the fine gentleman in white is," he gestured to his right.

"Admiral William Hawthorne," he saluted. "Welcome aboard the USS Ronald Reagan." He shook Captain Vansen's hand. "You have a firm handshake, son," he nodded in approval.

Captain Vansen accepted the compliment.

"Now, as for our affiliation, we come from the United States of America." Ambassador Anders produced a paper from his suit pocket, unfolding it and revealing a map of the United States.

Captain Vansen accepted it, a dumbfounded expression plastered on his face. "United States of America? I've never heard of that nation. And this... this landmass is immense and so close to our shores! How have we never discovered this before?"

"Unfortunately, we are a transported nation. A freak storm enveloped our world and for some reason dissipated unexpectedly. After the storm clouds parted, we found ourselves on this planet. Speaking of which, what is this planet called?"

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