Alpha female II

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The coldness of the couch received my body's warmth. The way he threw me like a dolls hurts, the way he looked at me with disgust, ripped me apart. I sat there on the couch coming down from such an intimate moment. I don't want to be here, I don't want to be with somebody who doesn't want me.

"Where am I to sleep." My voice cracked. I took a deep breath, I am not going to let him affect me.

"You will sleep with me."

Is he trying to trick me, why would he reject me and then tell me to sleep with him.

"You rejected me, now you expect me to sleep in the same bed as you."

"Then you are welcome to sleep anywhere, but you are not allowed to leave this room." His voice sounded cold and commanding, as if he wants me to defy him.

Tears brimmed the corner of my eyes, after everything he put me through he thinks I'm just gonna listen to him. I refuse to give him the satisfaction of my pain. I get up fixing my dress and march to the door, I'll find another room to stay in. As my hand reached the door I felt a hand tug on my waist pulling me back. It happened so fast I had no time to blink. Rhazo had me on his shoulder, walked over to the bed, and threw me on. My body bounced up from the force, my vision fuzzy from the whiplash. I quickly scoot away from him until my back reaches the head board.

"I'm am tired of you acting like an adolescent pup! If you cannot take orders from your Alpha how do you expect to become Alpha female." He had such a scary look on his face, his eyebrow furrowed. I though I would shrink back into the wall.

"You are not my Alpha, I do not take orders from you."

That provoked him, as the words left my mouth his hand quickly grabs my throat and pulls me towards him. I choke on the strength of his grip. My body lifted from the bed, fear corrupted my eyes.

"I am your Alpha! You will listen to me weather you like it or not. Now, get. In. The. Bed."

He let me go with a shove and I fell on the bed, my body paralyzed with terror. We stared at each other in the eyes until I could no longer look at him. I gave in. Could no longer fight back the water works as the tears flowed down my face. I rolled over in a ball on the right side of the bed. I kept my eyes on the front door my vision turning blurry with my crying. I felt the other side of the bed dip in as the covers were put over me. I don't know when I finally fell asleep but I knew as soon as I had a nightmare.

I was back in my room at my house. The all white door with the blue butterfly stickers that were worn out from over the years. I tried moving my legs but it was like I was stuck to my bed. The fear in me started to pick up as the door to my room opened slowly, it was a dark figure with a blurred face. It walked ominously towards me, my eyes widen. I couldn't move I was gonna get killed. I kicked and scream to get up but I didn't move an inch, the figure of a men moved so close to me I could feel the tip of his breath on my nose, his face in front of mine. All of a sudden the figure bit into my neck claiming me as I screamed.

I didn't open my eyes until someone jerked me out of my sleep. I quickly sat up in the bed and felt around my neck to see if I was bitten and claimed. I saw my mates face on the side of me with a concern look  but was quickly masked with his stoic face. Our eyes held contact, were my eyes deceiving me, was he worried about me. Shaking the thought of there actually being a chance for this relationship.

"Get up and get ready the plane takes off in 2 more hours." He got up from the bed and walked into what I think was the bathroom. Still startled from the dream I head over to my lounge that was put in here last night. I grab me a pair of jeans and a sweatshirt since it was the end of winter. We rarely have snow here in the south but it is still cold outside, spring will be here soon, it's my most favorite season.

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