Nightmare (Edit)

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This the updated version of chapter 1 it will follow the same story as the other chapters.
When I was five years old my mother told me stories about a monster who took prey to his victims. It was a way to scare us into behaving. The story was about a beast who had fur dark as the night sky. He stood on two legs instead of four and had eyes redder than blood. They said he always wore a sinister smile as he tortures his victims. Forced into submission, wolves would bow down to him, making him their Alpha. Killing thousands of people he became the first mass murder since the begin of creation. Nobody has heard of him since.

"Mother. Do you think he will come back?" I said as my five year old mind filled with fear.

"It's just a story, kara. It's not real." She whispered as she kissed me goodnight, her lips lingering on my forehead. A smile graced her face as she mouthed "I love you." She closed the door to my room, enveloping me in darkness. It was when I closed my eyes that I saw him. His tall lean figure and his dark red eyes were terrifying. His mouth opened to reveal his sharp teeth as I heard him speak.

I wake up panting and terrified. My eyes went wide as I struggled to calm my racing heart. I closed my eyes as I tried to remember my dream but all I could recollect was a blurry figure. My hands were shaking when I reached over and grabbed my glass of water on the table. The nightmares were never this bad. I took a deep breath as I attempted to bring the glass to my lips. But I was unable to muster the strength with my trembling hands. I threw the cup across the room. Angry at the way my body was acting. The medicine that the doctors prescribed me isn't working. I'll have to up my dosage again.

I stood up on my wobble legs almost falling over. I had to lean on the bed so I wouldn't fall. Goddamn nightmares, I waited until it passed before moving again. I reached for my hoodie and headed out the door. The pups played on the grass while their parents sat in the shade. My pack was small, our population was less than 200. The trees surrounded the pack and hid our small town that kept us away from the humans. I've never seen one before but I heard they're ugly and have an insatiable need for money. They are far different from us. I walked up the steps to the infirmary.

"Doctor Brown, I need you to up my dosage." I said as I entered his office.
"I just raised your dosage last week. It'll be lethal if you have anymore than prescribed." He replied with his eyes on the paper he was writing.

"I don't think you understand Dr. Brown. The nightmares are getting worse." I said agitated.

"And I don't think you understand Miss Kara". He looked up from his paper. "The dosage is already high, if I raise it anymore you would not wake up." He pushed his glasses from his face.

"I'm sorry Kara but no." I rolled my eyes at this stubborn doctor.

"I'll make sure you receive the prescription for this month but that is all. Understand?" I reluctantly shook my head. I've known Doctor Brown since I was a little girl. He's the only one who knows I have these nightmares besides my parents. The wind rustled through my curly hair. I would have to find another way to get rid of these dreams. Heading towards the pack house I spotted a man getting out of a suv. He had a muscular build and he carried himself with assertiveness. His stride was domineering even the guard showed his neck before cowering away. I couldn't help but be intrigued by this male. Who was he? Before I was able to take a step towards this captivating male, I heard my name being called.

"Kara!" Mimi ran up to me, her kinky hair bouncing up and down. Her melanin skin was glowing under the sun.

"I thought we were meeting up at my house to get ready?" I didn't hear a word she said as I was more interested in the guy that just walked into the pack house.

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