육: The Caterpillar

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Caterpillar [noun]  pill popper, identity disorder, sexual threat                                                                                                                                                          

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Caterpillar [noun
pill popper, identity disorder, sexual threat                                                                                                                                                          

"I can't explain myself sir, because I'm not myself, you see"

. . . . . .

The visits of the boys in the hospital coloured the dull days of Jimin, who was meant to spend it there; he, at least, could claim that much. As it was only when they wandered around that his mind found the piece of peace and the voices calmed down. Their absence, on the other hand, brought pure nightmare and horror to him.

Such that, he would not even mind having the company of police officers around. Therefore, it was why even before Jimin was called to meet them, he tiptoed to the room that stood at the corner of the corridor and took his usual seat in front of the lucent window.

It was raining.

The scent of the bitter smoke suddenly hit Jimin's nose and even caused him to cough softly. His fist was near his lips as he tried to manage his breathing before he tilted his head front and found someone that sat right across him. The lad was around Jimin's age, give or take a couple of years, and had an unreadable gaze in his eyes, which Jimin was familiar with.

As it was not the first time that he suddenly came across Min Yoongi, who never really remembered Jimin. Therefore, they met more than once with various introductions; the only same thing in the situation was the cigarette that often rested between the thin lips of Yoongi.

Yoongi and Jimin looked at each other for some time in silence until Yoongi held the cigarette between his slender fingers and took it out of his mouth to address Jimin.

"Who are you?" asked Yoongi in a languid, sleepy voice; just like how he did every time his and Jimin's paths crossed.

Therefore, he made it not an encouraging opening for a conversation. As even Jimin himself was not sure by then who he was, but he definitely knew who he once had been.

"I hardly know, just at present," so replied Jimin sincerely as he tilted his head and leaned against the back of the chair to take a comfortable seat. "At least I know who I was when I got up this morning, but I think I must have been changed several times since then."  Yoongi looked at Jimin for a brief second before he pushed his figure forward to lean on the upper side of the table. He gave a look at the other and then allowed a frown to grace his features in a way to reflect his confusion.

"What do you mean by that?" asked Yoongi firstly before his gaze took a stern shape. "Explain yourself."

Jimin only smiled at him as it was rather amusing that despite the many times that they had the very same encounter and conversation, Yoongi stubbornly refused to remember him.

"I can't explain myself, I'm afraid," said Jimin as he allowed his soft smile to widen a bit. "Because I'm not myself, you see," he added and tilted his head a bit down to look at himself before his eyes once again met Yoongi's.

"I don't see," responded Yoongi with a clear discomfort plastered on his face. He seemed rather confused or too unbothered to put a meaning behind Jimin's words.

"I'm afraid I can't put it more clearly," said Jimin, "for I can't understand it myself, to begin with."

Yoongi once again wore his well known bored expression on his face, just to hide his curiosity before he leaned back against his seat and curved his brow up at Jimin.

"You're a bizarre child," he commented and earned himself a wider grin from Jimin before he turned to look outside.

Even if the mist made it a great challenge for both Jimin and Yoongi to see outside, two of them still did not part their eyes apart from the window and instead, listened to the sound of raindrops.

"Such a bizarre weather, one can never guess if it is going to be sunny or rainy the following day," asked Yoongi as he once again used a languid tone.

"It is," responded Jimin, "but I do love it," he said with a nod. "Rain is beautiful."

"It's insidious," said Yoongi as he did not miss a second to correct the other. 

"Rain can either wash your secrets away or the things you used to cover those secrets."

He sounded wise and thoughtful as his crystal clear eyes searched the rainy surface of the window.

"Well, I never heard it before, but it sounds as an uncommon nonsense," said Jimin still as for some reason he felt bothered by how Yoongi put the situation- through his words. Yoongi, on the other hand, did not seem to be bothered by the other's bold comment. As after a brief second that their eyes met, he once again turned to look outside and mumbled under his breath;

"It's raining."

He said as if it was not obvious already or even like he did not mention it before.

Or maybe all along, he really did not mention it.

"It is," replied Jimin.

Then he watched a grin find its way to Yoongi's lips.

"Ah," said Yoongi. "I wonder whose secrets will be revealed this time."


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