오: The March Hare

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March Hare [noun]   wild, excitable, feral                                                                                                                                                  

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March Hare [noun]   
wild, excitable, feral                                                                                                                                                  

"If you don't think, then you shouldn't talk"

. . . . . .

It was one of those rare days that Jimin was allowed to see beyond the window, as he was given the permission to wander around the garden. The weather was warm and the walls around the garden were tall, so the doctors believed it would not hurt for Jimin to take some fresh air under the eyes of incumbents. Therefore, Jimin did not even complain and quietly followed a nurse to head outside.

As soon as he stood under the bright sun, Jimin raised his hand to create a shadow for his sight The light was much more radiant than what he saw behind the window, so it was only natural for it to hurt Jimin's eyes, something that greatly frustrated him. As Jimin hoped there to be rain that maybe could wash away the weight, which stood on his shoulders like an invisible rock.

"We'll be there if you need us," said the nurse once Jimin was settled on a bench under a tree. She pointed the other side of the garden to him, just so for Jimin to know that he was not alone in case he needed something.


His soft tone seemed to catch the nurse off guard as she paused once, his simple answer rang in her ears and gave him a bewildered look. Maybe it was because she did not hear him talk before or maybe because she could not understand how a young, cruel man could have such a soft tone; Jimin did not ask. Instead, he tilted his head to the side and looked at his surroundings, whereas the nurse got it as a sign for her to leave.

"Why is a raven like a writing-desk?" whispered Jimin to himself as he saw birds at the top of trees.

The sight reminded him the riddle Namjoon gave to him; however, as Jimin struggled to solve it, he just got annoyed. He let a deep frown appear on his features and bit his bottom lip in a way that it almost bleed, yet he did not even seem to notice it.

"Little Jimin is thinking way too much again," said a voice suddenly right beside Jimin's ear and caused him to immediately tilt his head towards the source, only to find another familiar face there.

By then, Jimin was not even surprised as he clearly noticed how most of the boys visited him in less than a week, ever since the police officers decided to question him.

"Weren't you the one, who said, 'if you don't think, you shouldn't talk', Hoseok?" questioned Jimin with a know-it-all tone, which Hoseok easily ignored with a shrug.

"Lately, you think a lot but you don't talk much," stated Hoseok simply, which was more than enough for Jimin to understand he talked to others about Jimin's current situation.

Therefore, Jimin allowed a sigh of defeat to leave his lips and watched Hoseok take a seat beside him on the bench. The older male seemed a bit tired, yet, appeared just on the mood for any argument that could annoy Jimin to no end.

"I was just thinking if I've been changed in the night," mused Jimin. "Was I the same when I got up this morning? I almost think I can remember feeling a little different. But if I'm not the same, the next question is 'Who in the world am I?' All, that's the great puzzle,"

Jimin ended his sentence with another deep sigh and expected a proper answer from Hoseok. So, he tilted his head to the side to see what kind of reaction Hoseok wore over his features, only to see the other unbothered and rather busy with a cup of tea he held on his hand.

"Really, why are you even here if you don't want to listen to me?" asked Jimin as he seriously wondered why Hoseok did such a thing.

"Just because I have a bit of my attention on tea doesn't mean I didn't listen to you," responded Hoseok before he took a sip of his tea.

It was rather amusing him to all so calmly, when Jimin voiced out his concern and annoyance as both were aware that one should not be fooled by the appearance of Hoseok. He could kill him in less than a second and would not even leave a sign behind. Not that he would do such a thing; just because Jimin whined a bit yet it never hurt to be aware of possible danger.

"About your question," called Hoseok suddenly to get Jimin's attention. "If you don't know who in the world you are," he mumbled and took another sip of his tea, "then you can be everyone."

Then, Hoseok just offered a cup of tea for Jimin and turned his head to give his attention to their surroundings. He watched the butterflies that flew over the flowers; he heard the sound of the birds and allowed a tiny frown to appear on his face.

"It would be much better if it rained," he mused and continued to drink from his cup.

Jimin, on the other hand, just quietly thought about what Hoseok said, only to notice it was not an answer for everything he asked.

"You noticed that what you said wasn't really helpful, didn't you?" asked Jimin and instantly felt the regret when he noticed the way Hoseok narrowed his eyes at him; he kinda looked like a grumpy bunny.

However, the threatening sight did not last long as Hoseok came up with an idea to lighten the mood

"I have an excellent idea," he said, a smile already gracing his lips, "let's change the subject."

And he exactly did what he said even before Jimin could part his lips to protest.

"Take some more tea," said Hoseok very earnestly and reached for Jimin's cup.

He once again did not let Jimin protest and instead, focused on his self-mission to fill the cup, whereas another question suddenly came to his mind.

"Did you talk to officers yet?" asked Hoseok before he placed the cup back on Jimin's hand. "Namjoon said they ask you rather a lot."

"They do," admitted Jimin, "but I don't talk to them much. They already believe in what they saw and I can't say more. That would make no sense," he explained with a little bit rushed tone.

"You mean you can't say less," corrected Hoseok and even before he continued, Jimin knew exactly what the other had in his mind.

As those words were rather familiar, something Namjoon told him before.

"It's very easy to take more than nothing."

And Jimin was right when he guessed Hoseok's statement. Therefore, it only caused him to frown at the other.

"Nobody asked your opinion," said Jimin before he took a sip from the tea, only to grimace at the bitter taste on his tongue.

"Don't look at me," said Hoseok just then as if he knew well what Jimin planned to say. "It isn't my fault that they don't have sweets in this hospital."

Unfortunately for Jimin, Hoseok was once again right.

"The food they give isn't good either," mumbled Jimin as an attempt to lighten the conversation.

"Don't worry about it," however, said Hoseok suddenly with what appeared to be sinful tone. "You'll leave here sooner or later."

"How do you know that?" asked Jimin, bewildered. Hoseok, however, once again ignored the concern in his tone and just shrugged.

"I just felt like so."


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