삼: Cheshire Cat

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Cheshire Cat [noun]  insanity, schizophrenic, lunacy                                                                                                                                                                                                   ...

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Cheshire Cat [noun
insanity, schizophrenic, lunacy                   

"I am not crazy, my reality is just different than yours"

. . . . . . .

Imagination was the only weapon in a war against reality. Therefore, as someone that refused to take the bitter taste of defeat, Jimin never abandoned his only weapon in a war he was forced to fight. His mind was like a toy box, which continuously worked in various colours of imagination.

Sometimes he was red; assertive, daring, determined and enthusiastic. He was uncontrollable and wild in a way that he could destroy anything that stood in front of his determination. He was powerful, looked down any kind of weakness a human being could have.

Sometimes he was green; harmonic, fresh and safe. He was the home that welcomed those who took off the mask they wore in front of many. He was the one with an answer to every question, a safety from the cruel world.

However, most of the times he was blue. He communicated significance, importance, and confidence without creating sombre or sinister feelings; or just knew how to hide them.

"Have I ever told you how boring this place is?"

It was another sunny day that Jimin found himself settled in front of a window. However, this time he did not have curious eyes of the officers and doctors around, instead, he was left with the company of a boy that he knew quite well.

"For the tenth time ever since you arrived, actually," replied Jimin with a gentle smile before he looked down on the chess board that stood on the table, between him and the other.

Then, he pursed his lips and tilted his head slightly, in a way to fully display the frown that graced his features. He reached his hand forward and allowed the tip of his fingers brush the pawn; however, he did not move it. Instead, Jimin allowed a sigh to leave his lips and finally tilted his head up to look at the other.

"Seems like I lost again,Tae."

His rather bold comment earned him a wide grin from Taehyung, who seemed rather pleased to win another game of chess. Such that he made it clear with his deep eyes that it was the moment he awaited; Jimin to admit his defeat

"Well, it was a fun game," said Taehyung as he put the chess pieces aside.

"You're crazy," was the only thing Jimin could say to the sense of fun Taehyung had. However, he, of course, did not mean it in a bad way, at least that was what the tiny smile on his lips said.

"I'm not crazy," argued Taehyung, "my reality is just different from yours"

There was a pause of silence, in which both sides agreed with the statement Taehyung came up with. As what he said made perfect sense but also did not then again, it was exactly why both of them just nodded their heads in agreement

"Anyways," sighed Taehyung as he allowed another grin to appear on his lips. He rested his elbow on the table, which stood tall between him and Jimin and leaned his chin against his palm to give the other a mischievous look. "When are you going out of this place?"

There was once again a comfortable silence in the room as Jimin paused and thought about Taehyung's question. He had to admit that it was something he wondered as well; if they would actually allow him to walk out of that building and have the taste of freedom once again. Even if he already had an idea that they would never do such a thing.

"I don't know," mumbled Jimin and tilted his head up to look at the other. He expected Taehyung's grin to vanish, however, was soon to notice that the other did not appear to be affected by whatever he said, "I don't want to go among mad people.."

His latest comment earned Jimin a rather loud chuckle from Taehyung, who abandoned his seat behind and rose on his feet to wander around the room. He touched the surface of the wall, then the books that stood at the corner. Overall, he just acted carelessly and made Jimin wonder if Taehyung even heard what he said.

"Did you even hear me?" asked Jimin at the end as he tried to make it clear in his tone that he was annoyed by lack of attention.

"Pardon, what?" However, Taehyung once again embraced the other's anger calmly. He did not flinch or showed a sign of discomfort, instead, he allowed his gaze to stay soft and tilted his head to look at Jimin in a way that his gaze awaited Jimin to repeat himself, which he did.

"I said I don't want to go among mad people," repeated Jimin and watched a confused frown appear on Taehyung's face before he replaced it with another grin.

It was probably because he did not understand why Jimin made such claim when he appeared to be pleased with the title 'mad ' before, that Taehyung took his time to think about an answer.

"Oh, you can't help that," he said with a playful expression, which almost reminded Jimin a cat so calm and elegant. "We're all mad here. I'm mad. You're mad," said Taehyung before he grabbed the edge of a random book and picked it up to take a closer look.

Jimin, on the other hand, just allowed a frown to appear on his features as he looked at Taehyung. It was supposed to be a day of him away from officers and their questions, a day in which he could rest his mind. However, with the company of Taehyung, Jimin felt otherwise. It simply looked like the other asked and answered, and also expected Jimin to agree with everything he said.

"How do you know I'm mad?" asked Jimin as he locked his gaze on Taehyung, however, did not manage to get the attention of the other away from the book. That was until Taehyung himself got bored and placed the book back in its place before he met Jimin's eyes.

"You must be," he said simply with a shrug, "or you wouldn't have come here."

Jimin did not even know what he was supposed to say as deep down he was aware of the piece of truth Taehyung had in his statement. Yet, he refused to admit it aloud and rose on his feet to leave there, to avoid Taehyung, or more accurately the truth, for a while. He rose on his feet and decided to leave the room. However, once Jimin approached the door, he noticed that there were more than one of them, which caused a frustrated sigh to slip from his lips.

"Which road do I take?" asked Jimin as he turned to face Taehyung, who had his signature grin on his lips.

"Where do you want to go?" asked Taehyung.

Jimin had to admit that he did not think much about it as he just wished to leave.

"I don't know," he responded with a shake of the head, whereas Taehyung just looked at him with an unreadable gaze.

"Then," mused the other, whose smile slowly faded, as he knew that there was no escape from the madness, pain fell into. "It doesn't matter."


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