"I know we can't...but I believe in you, and I believe you have a fair shot of getting in." He smiled down at her, expecting her to smile, but she avoided eye contact with him, looking at the floor.

"What happens if I don't get in, though?" She asked quietly. "Then I'm not going anywhere...And all my studying, hard work, and planning will all be for nothing." She rambled, as tears began to fall.

"Okay, come here, baby." Sam whispered, pulling her into his arms, while he let her cry into his chest, rocking them back and forth. He ignored all the looks and stares they were receiving, because those didn't matter. What mattered was Lexi, and making sure she was back to her normal happy self by the end of the week. "Whatever happens, you have me, and I'm always going to be here for you, whether you need to talk or just cry. I'm here. I'm always going to be by your side, no matter the risk or circumstance." He said quietly, as she leaned her head against his shoulder. "I love you." He added, pressing a kiss to her head.

"I love you too." She managed to get out, as she pulled away to look up at him. He smiled sadly, as he wiped her tears with his thumbs, before pulling her back into his arms, knowing what she needed in that moment was someone to console her.
Later on that day, the New Directions reunited in the auditorium, cheering when they saw Mr. Schue holding up an envelope, all of them aware of the content sealed inside.

"I hold in my hand, ladies and gentlemen, our competition for Regionals." He announced, proceeding to open the envelope and read the paper. "Drumroll, please. From...North Central High School in Indianapolis, the Hooseirdaddies."

"That's very clever." Tina commented with a chuckle, as Lexi raised her eyebrow.

"And from Our Lady of Perpetual Loneliness in Battle Creek, Michigan, the Nun-Touchables."

"Wait, is that a convent?" Kitty asked.

"Guys, I like our chances against both these squads, but we still got a lot of work to do." Mr. Schue said, attempting to continue, but pausing when Brittany joined him onstage.

"Mr. Shue, please stop talking. I have an announcement." She said, as everyone turned to look at her instead. "I regret to inform you a deadly asteroid is headed our way."

"Wait, didn't we just go through this at Christmas?" Jake asked, rather lost with the direction of the conversation.

"Yeah!" Tina nodded. "And is it true that you two got married?" She asked, turning to look at Sam, who had his arm around Lexi, while she leaned her head against his shoulder.

"Kind off..." Lexi shrugged. "It wasn't legalized or anything though."

"Shut up Tina, and Lex." Brittany interjected. "I'm naming the comet Tubbington-Bopp and it's headed straight for Lima."

"Wait...so is it an asteroid or a comet?" Artie asked, confused.

"It's both." She nodded.

"Wouldn't NASA know something about this?" Marley asked, raising her hand making a good point.

"We can't trust NASA." Brittany shook her head. "I mean last month, a meteor exactly like Tubbington-Bopp hit Russia with no warning at all. And when this meteorite hits, I will not be spending time in this room preparing for Regionals, I will be spending my last hours making amends with someone I need to get right with, someone I love very much, Lord Tubbington. So go back to your homes, hide your wife, hide your kids, and hide your wife! McKinley high, I salute you." She finished, before rushing out of the auditorium.

""Well there goes one one of our children." Lexi muttered, as Sam chuckled.
"I'm really surprised that Jesus Christ Superstar has chosen to end the world this way instead of the way he killed off the dinosaurs, which was a global yeast infection." Brittany said, as she talked with Marley, and Unique by the piano in the choir room. Both of the other girls were quite confused with the whole situation.

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