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Scott had told me this morning that, he, Malia and Lydia are going to Canaan. They heard Stiles Voice. Stiles seems like a really familiar name but it just doesn't fit in my head. Liam and I got to School and arrived on time for once.

"Scott, Malia and Lydia are going to Canaan. He said to go through the plan as long as it doesn't destroy the house." I told Liam as we walked through the hallways of School.

"We need to break into the facility storage room." Liam said.

"To save the whole town from Ghost Riders? No problem." I said.

Liam and I easily got into the Basement where the storage room is at. I started looking around the wires.

"Can't we just buy a lightning rod?" Liam asked me and I turned around to look at him.

"Yeah, sure, if you have 2500$." I say rolling my eyes .

I look around the baskets and there's no wires. I walk around and see Mr. Douglas he's working on something with wires and electricity.

"What are you doing here? This is facility only." Mr.Douglas says as he panics and starts packing his things up to leave.

"Then why are you the one leaving?" I ask.

"What are you doing? Plugs and Wires? Are you making a taser?" Liam asked

"No, no, of course not." Mr.Douglas said.

"You saw them,didn't you?" Liam asked Mr.Douglas as he sat down on one of the stools.

"You should be in class." Mr. Douglas said not making eye contact with either of us.

"Was it the night of the Lacrosse game? You saw the lightning, the man, and the horses?" I asked Mr.Douglas.

"Dozens of them." Mr. Douglas said nodding his head.

"Then what?" Liam asked.

"It was chaos. They were everywhere. Some of the kids were running. But for everyone else it, it was like there was nothing there. They couldn't see a thing." Mr.Douglas said.

"We did. And we've got a lot more to tell you if you really wanna fight back." Liam said.


Mr.Douglas took us to his classroom to talk about the Ghost Riders. I explained to them how I wanted to catch a Ghost Rider.

"The lightning strikes the rod, which sends the bolt down into the tunnels. We grab a Ghost Rider push him into the Bunker, and we trap him there." I say pointing at the graph in front of me.

"Okay, how do you keep him from riding the lightning back out of the tunnels before you get him into the trap." Mr.Douglas asks.

"Well, if the lightning strikes again, it'll just hit our rod. He won be close enough to grab on." I say.

"But, shouldn't we assume the Ghost Riders have some kind of control over where it strikes? Just because Physics can't explain it today doesn't mean there won't be a logical explanation tomorrow." Mr.Douglas says looking at me.

"So if they have control, then how do we stop them?" Liam questioned.

"We need to absorb a lightning bolt." Mr.Douglas said.

"We can do that?" I asked.

"Not with anything we have here. I can't build a conduit strong enough to absorb even half that much energy." Mr.Douglas said as soon as the bell rang.

"Okay, thank you." I said before leaving with Liam following behind me.

"Instead of a conduit, maybe we can find a person to absorb the lightning." I said to Liam as we were headed for the exit.

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