Whispers and cry's went around the group surrounding the president. Quackity motioned for bad to keep reading. When he had finished everyone was crying. Even George and sapnap. Tommy may have been annoying but none of them had ever wanted this especially for a someone so young. He was only 16 and to be driven to such a fate shouldn't happen to anyone. Even Technoblade who never showed emotion had tears in his eyes like everyone else. Quietly he spoke into the silence. "Goodbye Theseus" and walked away. Not back towards the community portal or towards logstedshire just away Phil following him.

Slowly the crowd dispersed a few staying behind to comfort tubbo who was now curled in a ball rocking back and forth. The thoughts running through his head too much to sit still. I did this. He's dead because I exiled him. He thought I didn't care. He didn't know I loved him. (Platonically duh) Ranboo was also very sad. He didn't know Tommy very long but still liked him a lot. He regarded Tommy as one of the kindest members on the smp. Finally tubbo fell asleep and Ranboo Quackity and Sam carried him back home and into his bed. They figured he needed rest.

\Time skip ooo/ (one week)
The week proceeding Tommy's death was to say the least silent. Barely anyone spoke because it just wasn't the same without Tommy around. Finally ranboo decided to go visit logstedshire. He figured it was something to do and he wanted to be somewhere he knew Tommy had been.

When he arrived he saw the place in ruins like someone had blown it up. He made his way over to Tommy's tent completely forgetting that Tommy left gifts for everyone. Him dying had eclipsed it so thoroughly.

Ranboo spotted the gifts neatly arranged on the bed with notes attached to each. There were five gifts each addressed to Tubbo, Phil, Techno, Ghostbur and Ranboo. Ranboo carefully put each one in his messenger bag and went to go deliver them. First he went to Technoblade's cottage in the arctic. He knocked on the door. Techno emerged a sword in his hands but lowering it when he saw who it was. "Umm" ranboo said a little nervous "Tommy left you and Phil a gift before he well" ranboo's voice trailed off. "Uh anyways here" he said handing Phil's and techno's gift to the pink haired man. Techno thanked him and closed the door.

"Phil!" Techno called "Come here!" Phil emerged from the latter that led downstairs "what is it?" He asked curiously in response Techno gave phil his present. Phil took it confused until he saw who it was from. "oh" he said quietly.

Phil took the note with shaky hands and read it. Dear Dad, I'm sorry I wasn't the best son. I love you and techy a lot and I'm sorry for being really annoying all my life. I hope I'm with Wilbur now even though that seems kinda selfish. I just wanted you and tech to live without having to worry about me all the time. Hope your are well. -Tommy.

Phil felt tears slip down his cheeks. He hates the fact that Tommy died thinking no one loved him. He looked at the neatly wrapped gift and opened it. A wooden sword fell into his hands. Despite everything phil smiled. Engraved onto the handle were the words "never give up." This was the sword Phil made for Tommy when he was five years old. It was a sparring sword and Tommy used it all the time.

Techno watched phil open his gift from Tommy before opening his own. Once phil finished techno read his note. Dear Techy, I'm not as good of a brother as I should have been. I probably should have been there for you more and not gone off with Wil to start L'manberg. I'm sorry. I want you to know that you are the toughest warrior I have ever met and that I love you. Always remember you are never alone. -Toms.

Techno only let a single tear fall before wiping his eyes and turning towards his gift. He untied the little package and out rolled a small light blue gemstone and another note. The second note read, Techy this is called zircon I think. I found it while mining and thought it would look really good on your crown. Techno looked back at the stone and and noticed it was the exact same shade of blue as Tommy's eyes.

After leaving techno's cabin ranboo headed back to L'manberg and into the sewers because that was where Ghostbur likes to hangout. Thankfully he found him just floating around I his usual yellow sweater. "Hey Ghostbur." Ranboo called out to him. The ghost looked around for a second "Oh hello Ranboo." He said with a cheerful wave. "What brings you down here?" Ranboo looked at Ghostbur.

Because the ghost had pretty much a panic attack every time something bad happened, everyone agreed that it was better not to try and tell him his little brother was dead. He would probably forget anyways. "Well Tommy wanted to give you a gift." Ranboo said casually. "Oh yay I love gifts especially from Tommy." Ghostbur said.

Ranboo handed over the gift addressed to Ghostbur and left. Ghostbur carried the neat present back to his library and read the note. Dear Ghostbur, I wanted to thank you for visiting me so much when I was exiled. I loved building logstedshire with you and having someone to talk to. I'm sorry I kept you from L'manberg but now you don't have to visit me. I love you. -Tommy.

Ghostbur was confused why did Tommy say He didn't have to visit anymore? Shrugging it off he picked up the package. It was pretty light. Ghostbur opened it and read the note tucked inside of the bright red beanie. Ghostbur I made you this hat. I've had a lot of spare time and thought it would complement your sweater very well. Ghostbur excitedly put on the hat and smiled at his reflection in one of the lanterns.

Finally ranboo made his way to Tubbo's house. The many plants that usually lined the front of the house were dying from lack of care. Tubbo had not left his house since the day Tommy died. Ranboo knocked on the door and a small voice said "come in." Ranboo walked in to find tubbo at the kitchen table head on his arms and a blanket on his shoulders.

It looked like he hadn't moved form the chair in days. "Hey Tubbo I have something that might cheer you up." Tubbo just looked at the younger male. Ranboo pulled out the gift saying "Tommy left you this in logstedshire. I figured you would want it a some point." Tubbo for the first time showed some interest. "Here" Ranboo said before giving him the gift and leaving.

Tubbo grabbed the note that was addressed to him and read it slowly taking in every word. Dear Tubbo, my bee loving friend, please don't blame yourself. I chose this not because I want to hurt you but because I never want you to have to choose between me or you country again. I know it was difficult and took a toll on your mental health. I'm sorry. Don't let me get in the way of your life. Run your country. Make it better than I ever could have. Forget me make new friends. I love you big man.-Tommy.

Tubbo started crying again. "I could never forget you Tommy." He said through his tears. Once he had calmed himself down a bit more he opened the gift. It was a charm bracelet with a small bee charm. There was another note as well. Tubbo I made you this charm bracelet but you don't have to wear it. It's a bee cuz Tubbo lika da bee. Tubbo laughed "I lika da bee." He said and started to cry even more.

When ranboo got home he sat down on his bed and opened his own gift. The note read Dear Ranboo, thank you for standing up for me even if I didn't deserve it. Look after tubbo for me will you. He doesn't handle things like this well. Make sure he eats too. That's important. I'm sorry I killed myself but it's probably what's best for everyone. Now I'm not just taking up space or getting in the way. Enjoy life while it lasts and stay out of trouble.-Tommy.

Ranboo finished reading the note sadly and opened the package. He let out an audible gasp. Inside the package was the disks, Tommy's most prized possessions. Ranboo still shocked read the note that came with them.

Ranboo I don't know if you know what these are or not let me just say they aren't worth it. Do what you want with them but don't tell anyone especially Dream. Ranboo reread the note and decided what he was going to do with them. He went into the backyard and grabbed a shovel. He dug and dug until the hole he made was around seven blocks deep. He placed a chest and set the disks inside.

Closing the chest he said "until the music rises again." And filled the hole.

(Words 2289)
Hello! Wow you read my book that's pog (also so are you.)
Hope you have a good day/night -Cats

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